Home » today » Sport » Zbuzan fairy tale! Peck, I can’t even breathe, the coach cheered. Big celebrations are not going on, players have to go to work

Zbuzan fairy tale! Peck, I can’t even breathe, the coach cheered. Big celebrations are not going on, players have to go to work

Radek Petrášek, ČTK

“We’ll celebrate, but since most of the boys go to work again on Thursday morning, there’s probably nothing big. We may have a beer on the bus, but we will play again on the weekend, so it won’t be anything big, “said the hero of the match and the author of two goals, Jan Zákostelský, who has twice established himself in standard situations.

“I rate the match in superlatives. We came here in the position of a clear outsider, thinking that we want to enjoy the match. For most of our boys, this is a life match to play against the league team at a beautiful stadium and playground. And that we managed such a beautiful result and success is just a huge bonus for us and a boost to further work for our young boys, “said 29-year-old Zákostelský, who played eight matches in the Slavia jersey in the highest competition and has one goal for stitching. .

“We are in absolute euphoria. It is an indescribable experience. Just the fact that we came to Liberec is a fairy tale. We arrived late and we could not play the match with anything other than heart. I am very proud of how the team managed it and how it approached it, “Zbuzan coach František Douděra praised his charges.

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“We repeated two words: desire and passion. We also went to victory and football. We didn’t want to retreat. As far as possible, we also wanted to have fun, because playing with the league team is not just a luck. Now we will have another option in the next round. It’s a stone. I have no words, I can’t breathe much. It’s beautiful, “the coach swallowed with joy. According to him, this is the biggest triumph in the almost 70-year history of the club near Prague.

“I think it was definitely the best match in the history of the club. We wanted to welcome Liberec at home, which failed due to the reconstruction of the playground. In exaggeration, we were joking that we were fighting to bring the Zbuzan league team. We set a goal in the secret of our souls, it germinated within ninety minutes and we are reaping it now and we will probably get the league team to Zbuzan, “he rejoiced and praised the scorer of Zákostelský’s two goals.

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“Kostya is a player in its place for me. It pulls from behind. For him, it is top to get twice to end the standard situation from the position of a stopper. Especially when we have more technical players and standards are not our domain. Luxury. I wish him well. He goes to work, lives in Benešov and goes to Zbuzan. It’s probably the most for him, it can’t even be expressed in words, “said Douděra.

After the match, Jan Zákostelský was also congratulated by his father, Luboš Zákostelský, who played for Slovan in the past, and thanks to that, his son also started playing football here in preparation at the end of the 1990s. “But it’s been a long time. I am glad that we succeeded in such a result. We leave from here extremely satisfied, “Zákostelský rejoiced.” I think my dad and I will laugh at it, have a beer and remember it, “he smiled.

Was there any game discomfort on the field in Liberec? “It depends. At times on the field, it seemed to us that it was a nice carousel … The discomfort was probably known mainly in the end. They created chances and probably lacked more peace in the end. If they managed to catch up quickly at 1: 1, the match would probably look different. However, thanks to the luck and good interventions of our goalkeeper, we managed to defend their chances. It was clear that their nervousness grew every minute. Then they managed to lower, there were gaps in front of the gate and we finally came out of the match happier, “concluded Zákostelský. A merry way home was waiting for Zbuzany.

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