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Zatlers: I’m a pessimist. There will be a war

Former President of Latvia Valdis Zatlers, commenting on the situation on the border between Belarus and Ukraine, is pessimistic, reports the program “Nothing Personal”.

Former President Valdis Zatlers says – you don’t have to talk much, but do it. There will be no friendly relations with Belarus in the coming years. And as long as there is a repressive regime in power, we urgently need to build a border that we have not done so naively. Because so-called refugees are not the only hybrid weapon that Minsk could try to threaten our borders.

“We had the illusion that there would be peace in Europe, as we are used to, because, as we had hoped, it would be so throughout the geographical part of Europe. As we can see, we have been a little naive. However, we will have to protect our borders. it must be remembered, however, that the border of the Soviet Union was once very strong, making it completely impossible to understand why there is a border almost two kilometers wide between friendly Poland and a friendly Soviet Union.

And these statements that NATO is approaching Russia’s borders may be the exact opposite: Russia is aggressively approaching NATO’s borders militarily, and we are ready to protect those borders and respond accordingly. As for Ukraine itself, the Ukrainian army is much better prepared than it was during the first war, and of course I hope the war will not start. But then the question is how many times Putin will withdraw his troops on a large scale at Ukraine’s borders simply in the same way. He is already starting to become frivolous with his demonstration of military force. Because there are very high risks. In any case, I am in a pessimistic position that we must prepare for the worst – there will be a war, “says the former President of Latvia Valdis Zatlers.

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