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Zaneta’s Guillotine Flop Sparks Social Media Backlash: “Please Go Home”

Also there second hour As Picture a The legacy he was flop. In yesterday’s episode, Sunday April 14, the contestant managed to get to the Guillotineno measure at all on the a word secretmuch appreciated this time easy from the public onwards social. After winning the Triello against Raffaele and Serena, the champion defeated the latter in 100 seconds, keeping her hand on the gong and thus advancing to the final stage. The prize money original era of 190 miles eurohalf to 23,750, and five bell words they were beach, front, strength, line and Carlo. Zaneta tried to connect them with the term ‘last’, but unfortunately the correct solution era’life‘, just by most viewers on the web. On social media, therefore, theyet another controversyboth from those who criticized the competitor for not being able to guess, and from those who objected to some of the answers given to the 100 seconds, where the level of general culture was diagnosed very scarce.

Guillotine flop for Zaneta, the invitation from social media: “Please go home”

The second Guillotine As Picture it didn’t go well. Yesterday, the champion of The legacy failed (again) to bring the man home prize money of the game show of Rai 1. It started with 190 thousand euros, halved by 23.750the competitor did not guess it a word secret which connected the beach thistles, face, strength, line and Carlo. His choice fell on the term ‘last’, but ‘life’ was the correct answer, judgement even instead simple dai observers which gathers every evening X to comment on the session. “Thank you she feels confident”, “This series was easy… I don’t understand how some of the contestants think in the end”they have said some users.

Sit socialHowever, the criticisms are greater savage been for the level culture general of the two rivals in the match at 100 secondswhere he is Picture That Serenathey certainly didn’t shine, especially in one of them request Yes Petrarch: “I hope you win nothing at the guillotine, this ignorant man!”, “But how do you do it?”, “An appalling level of ignorance…”, “And to think she’s a publisher… and doesn’t know one of Petrarch’s or even Shakespeare’s most famous lines… Poor us!”. E Still: “Petrarch, this stranger”, “But holy God … get over Zaneta who has a foreign origin, but the publisher who completely ignores one of Petrarch’s most famous verses”, “And this man publishes books… he doesn’t even know Petrarch’s poetry… he liked us… so ignorant…”, “They don’t even know Petrarch! Go home! Buuuuuuu.!”.

2024-04-15 07:25:00

#Legacy #Zaneta #fails #Guillotine #social #media #erupts #Ignorance #rampant

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