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Zanardi has returned home. The wife: “He’s been with us for a few weeks”

Alex Zanardi he returned home and will continue his rehabilitation surrounded by the warmth of his family. A year and a half after scary handbike accident, the Paralympic champion is no longer in hospital. This was revealed by his wife Daniela on the BMW Italia website, of which the former F1 driver is still a Brand Ambassador. “Alex was able to leave the hospital a few weeks ago and is now back home with us. We have waited a long time for this to happen and we are very happy that it was possible now, although there will still be temporary stays in special clinics in the future. to carry out specific rehabilitation measures on site “. The news of Zanardi’s return home opened the handover ceremony Gold Collars at the Auditorium Parco della Musica in Rome. “Wonderful news for our world”, said the president of Coni, Giovanni Malagò. “A splendid news in a day that today crowns the athletes who have made our Italy great”, declared the undersecretary for sport, Valentina Vezzali. “It is the best Christmas present we could have received”, added CIP number one, Luca Pancalli.

“Prove you are a real fighter”

“Recovery continues to be a long process – admits Daniela Zanardi -. The rehabilitation program led by doctors, physiotherapists, neuropsychologists and speech therapists has allowed constant progress. Of course, the setbacks are there and can still happen. Sometimes you have to take two steps back to take one forward. But Alex repeatedly proves that he is a real fighter. After the long period in hospital – he continues – it is important for him to return to his family and his family environment. It must also be considered that, due to the pandemic situation, for a year and a half Alex only had people with masks and protective devices around him. Furthermore, due to the extensive and important protective measures in the clinic, the possibilities for visits are obviously very limited “.

“Staying at home will help him”

“Alex did not meet friends and part of the family for a year and a half. Only me, our son and the mother could visit him, but always only one person a day and only for an hour and a half. All this did not contribute to make the situation easier for him – confesses his wife – It therefore helps the fact that he is now at home with us, even if currently he can only have close family members around, given that the number of Coronavirus cases is increasing again. But we are with Alex all day, he is in his family environment and therefore can return to normal at a minimum. This gives him further strength. We are very grateful to the medical staff of the clinics where he was treated. The doctors, the health staff. , the therapists and all those involved have done so much for Alex and continue to accompany us in his rehabilitation. In the clinics Alex is in very good hands, but his home is still his home. “

“The support received so far is important”

It is difficult to predict how the recovery will continue. “During the week, a therapist works with him on physical, neurological and speech therapy exercises. As for his physical condition, there is a lot of progress. Alex is gaining more and more strength in his arms, which has increased a lot. And except the hospital, where she was in bed for a long time, now spends most of the day in her wheelchair with us. She only rests a little in the afternoon, after lunch. It is not yet possible to predict how her recovery will develop further. It is still a long and demanding path that Alex faces with a very combative spirit – continues Daniela Zanardi – Receiving so much support in this path, not only from the doctors and therapists who work constantly with him, is of great help for him and for us. our friends are always there for us. This includes the BMW Group family that we can always count on and who are firmly by our side even in this difficult time. We are very grateful to everyone for this and for mo the other thing, because these solid bonds give us extra energy. This also applies to the ongoing affection we receive from riders, fans and acquaintances from all over the world. We would like to express a big Thanks to everyone who sends their positive thoughts and strength to Alex. We wish everyone – he concludes – a Merry Christmas and all the best for the new year “.

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