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Zakiah Aini, Attacker of National Police Headquarters Leave a Will, This Is Its Contents


Zakiah Aini (26), the perpetrator of the attack at the National Police Headquarters, left a will for his family. In the will, Zakiah Aini apologized for making a decision which according to her was the ‘way of the apostle’. Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) states that acts of terrorism are a disgraceful form of action in religion.

“Mama, once again Zakiah apologizes. Zakiah loves Mama very much. But Allah loves His servants more, so Zakiah travels this path as the path of the Prophet/Messenger of Allah to save Zakiah and with Allah’s permission can intercede for Mama and family in the hereafter , “said Zakiah on two sheets of will received detikcom, Wednesday (29/3/2021).

In addition, Zakiah also asked her family to stop contacting the bank. According to him, the bank is usurious and not pleasing to God.

“Zakiah’s message for Mama and family, stop dealing with the bank (credit card) because it is usury and not blessed by Allah. The next message is that Mama stop working to be Dawis who helps the government’s interests thogut, “he said.

Zakiah Aini also asked his family not to participate in the election.

Zakiah Aini carried out this attack at around 16.00 WIB at the National Police Headquarters, Jl Trunojoyo, South Jakarta, Wednesday (31/3/2021). Zakiah Aini entered the National Police Headquarters, pointed a firearm, and was finally shot dead on the spot.

Next page, message in will

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