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Zak Brown calls for spending cuts

Zak Brown declares a state of emergency. The McLaren boss believes that the coronavirus crisis is likely to severely threaten the survival of Formula 1.

In an interview with the BBC, Zak Brown estimated that the spending limit of $ 175 million per year supposed to take effect in 2021 is too high and called for its reduction.

The American explains that all the teams are ready to set this budget limit at $ 150 million, and that “a large majority, including a large team, would like to go even significantly lower than 150 million.”

“Formula 1 is in a very fragile state,” added the boss of the British team. So far, all races scheduled until mid-June have been either canceled or postponed. “Four teams are at risk of disappearing if we do not manage this crisis properly.”

Brown, 48, has proposed a budget limit of $ 100 million, even if he says he is ready for a compromise that could raise the bar to 125 million. According to the BBC, Ferrari and Red Bull are the two big teams reluctant to a further reduction.

“Two teams put their own sporting interests before the common good and do not take into account the risk of endangering F1, which would put us all at risk,” said Brown.


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