Hana Zagorová is struggling with unpleasant health problems. She had to cancel all concerts a month and a half ago due to unbearable back pain that has plagued her since her autumn spine injury. She still did not announce her return to the stage, but the fans were surprised by a photo of the singer’s privacy.
Although Zagor’s back pain in her icicles limits her, she gritted her teeth so as not to deprive her beloved husband, Štefan Margita, of the Easter holidays.
The Slovak tenor boasted on the instagram of the beautiful decoration they have at home with Zagorova. “Done with us! And what does the decoration look like in your country? Send the photo in a message. We will reward the prettiest with my new album On the Right Way“he wrote about the picture.
The legend of Czech pop music has been plagued by health for half a year. And before she injured her spine, she struggled with postcovide syndrome for several months. The seventy-five-year-old singer was simply not very lucky in this respect.
In early March, Zagor’s doctors ordered a rest. “My dearest, sore back due to cracked vertebrae still limits me a lot and I unfortunately have to respect the doctors’ recommendations and postpone returning to the podium. We agreed with the producers to cancel all the concerts until I can show you in the form you know me, “she said at the time.
The concert in Prague’s Lucerna, the date of which has already changed three times, still did not take place. It was originally scheduled for December 12, 2020, then moved to September 6, 2021 and then to April 6 this year. The fourth term is still in the stars.
Check out TV Nova’s report on last year’s hospitalization of Zagorová: