Home » today » Entertainment » Žagars: Due to restrictions, Daile Theater will lose about 200 spectators every night – Culture – Apollo.lv – Entertainment

Žagars: Due to restrictions, Daile Theater will lose about 200 spectators every night – Culture – Apollo.lv – Entertainment

He explained that while cultural events could gather up to 500 people, the Daile Theater could accommodate 480 spectators in the Great Hall and 100 spectators in the Small Hall, but now the Great Hall could accommodate 300 spectators, provided that the Great and Small Hall performances start at different times. to ensure that human flows do not intersect.

A member of the board of Daile Theater explained that currently the flows of spectators in the Great and Small Halls are separated, both entering and leaving the theater.

“In the big hall, we lose from 150 to 180 spectators every night, because the tickets were sold out relatively well. We have regrouped and counted on the number of such spectators in December. Of course, this adjusts our revenue plan.

We calculated that if such restrictions continue until the end of the year, our balance will remain positive within this year’s limits. “

said Žagars, adding that it is currently difficult to predict what will happen next year.

Asked what was happening to spectators who had bought tickets when the number of visitors allowed in the theater was still 500, Žagars said that this issue has already been resolved. Spectators who bought tickets before the new rules came into force have been identified and communicated with by the Daile Theater.

Žagars explained that the audience is offered two options – to watch the show at another time in January or December or to get back the money. If viewers agree to watch the show at another time, then they get the opportunity to buy a ticket to any other show with a 25% discount. As the spectators of the Daile Theater have come towards the theater, so does the theater, Žagars emphasized.

“So far, there have been no disputes and difficult situations that cannot be resolved.

Communication with the audience is quite successful, because they understand the situation that it is not the theatre’s desire, but the country’s restrictions.

Starting from December, we will not sell more than 300 tickets to the show in the Great Hall, “said Žagars.

Asked whether there is a possibility that the Daile Theater will turn to the Ministry of Culture (KM) for help due to the losses resulting from the decrease in the number of spectators, Žagars replied that this issue is not relevant for the theater yet, as there are some reserves. He said that if the situation did not get worse, the Daile Theater could survive until the new year.

At the same time, however, Žagars emphasized that there are currently a couple of unanswered questions. For example, it is not really clear what will happen if people stop buying tickets and do not come to the theater, despite the fact that it will be allowed and performances will be able to take place with 300 spectators in the hall. A member of the board of Daile Theater expressed the understanding that people have a certain amount of insecurity, fear and this may affect their desire to buy tickets. In that case, the theater would have to adjust the revenue plan again.

The second worst case scenario is a possible emergency situation, when the performance of performances would be completely stopped.

“I assume that the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Finance (MoF) have a plan, as in such a situation, if the revenue flow stopped completely, we could still keep the balance at zero,” Žagars said.

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