Home » today » News » Zafirov: Kornelia Ninova cannot be a candidate for deputy – 2024-08-11 10:58:49

Zafirov: Kornelia Ninova cannot be a candidate for deputy – 2024-08-11 10:58:49

Kornelia Ninova cannot be a candidate for MP, at least because of our statutory restrictions, which she herself imposed and which assume that with 12 years of parliamentary experience, you cannot be a MP, Atanas Zafirov, acting chairman of the BSP, commented to BNT.

He specified that the procedure for the nominations of the candidates for people’s representatives will be as it has always been – it will start “from the bottom up”, through nominations of the main party organizations, municipal conferences, regional councils and will be finalized in the National Council.

In a conversation with our coalition partners, their participation in our lists will be fixed and at the meeting of the National Council itself, the final compositions of the lists will be arranged.

This time we will really bet on regionalism and the possibility of broadcasting people known in the regions, with high morals and political authority. It is more important this time to try to bring slightly different faces to the fore, with which to show that we understand society’s call for change, said Zafirov. We want this campaign to have a debate, including a leadership debate, to broaden the circle of people who will go to vote based on the policies articulated in this debate, he pointed out.

It was persistently said that the BSP is melting, remelting, depersonalizing – there is no such thing. The final process according to the arrangement of the lists will take place in the National Council of the BSP. This will be in the mode of dialogue with our coalition partners and on the basis of this coalition agreement, which is to be finalized and signed, I hope, within 10 days, explained Zafirov.

Regarding the coalition, he said that all recognizable political entities in the left space are expected to enter it. The process is open, the dialogue continues and, I hope, there will be more than 20, said Zafirov.

He was adamant that there was a quorum of the BSP National Council yesterday and the meeting was peaceful. No one has talked about exclusion, there is talk of measures to impose party influence, they can be very different and are a consequence of the open form of sabotage that we are witnessing from the country in the last days of Cornelia Ninova and some of the people around her, explained Zafirov.

I really wish that this topic was already over in the BSP, there is no problem in the BSP and there are no people with whom we want to part, but the fact is that the alternative Buzludzha, the constant talk in the media and explanations of how some kind of coup happened in the BSP , how some group of people want to push the party in some wrong direction, that there is also talk against the left unification, for which we have been working so hard in recent weeks, shows that there are people, our colleagues, who do not want this to happen, he commented.

When you show this type of behavior, the most normal thing is to have some measure of impact, because such actions create confusion and mistrust not only in the party, but also in our potential partners, and what’s worse – in society as well, added Zafirov.

Currently, the party’s administrative work is largely blocked as our subsidy has been suspended due to the ongoing court case, he added.

To a question, he said that at the consultations with the president, there were obstructions against the candidacy of the interior minister by political forces. The BSP does not interfere in the process of arrangement of the official cabinet, this is entirely within the powers of the prime minister, he was categorical, quoted by BTA. Zafirov also stated that the acting prime minister is not a BSP nominee.


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