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Zaev: Macedonia is in the heart of Europe, you can’t change that – World

Zoran Zaev

Source: Getty Images / Guliver

“Two weeks ago, I led a delegation in Bulgaria, offering them a hand to cooperate and find a solution and courage to take a step in a positive direction. Although we have taken a positive joint step, unfortunately, despite the clear and unambiguous messages from the international community that now is the time to reach a solution, Bulgaria has failed to gather strength and change its attitude towards our country’s membership in the European Union, “he said. Macedonian Prime Minister Zoran Zaev within the Prespa Forum, FOCUS reports.

Bulgaria was forced to postpone its support for Macedonia

“> Bulgaria was forced to postpone its support for Macedonia

“This is a major failure of the European Union’s enlargement policy and a bad message for the region. The EU has not kept its promise. As my friend Eddie (Rama) says, and I also say: the EU can set dates, negotiations and deadlines, but the EU cannot change our location, we are in the heart of Europe, much less our culture, our identity and the European future of our peoples as part of the European family. The Western Balkans are Europe, “Zaev said.

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“NATO membership is a reflection of our sovereign choice and a testament to our strong supra-party and societal goal of fully integrating into the Euro-Atlantic family of nations. Today, Northern Macedonia has improved its security and stability, as well as that of the Western Balkans region. We are committed to the vision of the Balkans in the 21st century, as a region of peace, stability and enhanced regional cooperation for economic benefits and prosperity of all citizens, “said Zaev.

Anger in Macedonia: Their language was part of Bulgarian

“> Anger in Macedonia: Their language was part of Bulgarian

Acting US Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Philip Reeker told a joint news conference with Zaev in Ohrid today that the start of EU accession talks remains a top strategic priority.

They offer this to solve the problem between Bulgaria and Macedonia

“> They offer this to solve the problem between Bulgaria and Macedonia

“The US vision for the Western Balkans has been consistent for several decades. The idea is to achieve a region with peaceful relations within and with its neighbors, fully integrated into the Euro-Atlantic network. The fact is that Northern Macedonia is in Europe. This is a European country, when I landed here, this is Europe. It’s rooted not only in your history, but also in your geography, “Reeker said.

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