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Yves Coppieters: “Wearing a mask in business should become a necessary measure”

New cases of coronavirus contamination continue to slow in Belgium while deaths and hospitalizations are still on the rise.

Lhe coronavirus worries virologists and sparks debate. On Twitter, this Tuesday afternoon, Yves Coppieters took a position on Twitter. “Wearing a mask in a company (in open spaces) should become a necessary measure, as in other places with strong internal contacts, but should not for all that reduce teleworking which is more protective for it. “

New cases of coronavirus contamination continue to slow in Belgium while deaths and hospitalizations are still on the rise, according to data released Tuesday by the Institute of Public Health Sciensano.

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Every day, for 5 months, Sciensano has published official figures on the evolution of Covid-19 in Belgium. Figures manipulated in all directions, to which some want to say everything and its opposite. “Le Soir” tried to see things clearly. Meet here

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