Home » today » Business » Yuriy Tavrovsky: Biden capitulates in the trade war with China – 2024-04-05 01:32:13

Yuriy Tavrovsky: Biden capitulates in the trade war with China – 2024-04-05 01:32:13

/ world today news/ US President Biden announced on Tuesday his intention to lift some of the trade sanctions against China, adding words about the possibility of their complete removal. Thus, the trade war started in 2018 by President Trump is coming to its logical end.

The inefficiency of the US economy caused a sharp rise in inflation, which reached 8.3% in April after 8.5% in March. Since the imposition of additional tariffs on Chinese exports, US corporations have lost over $1.7 trillion. Every American family spent over $1,300 a year on basic necessities. These figures were cited in a speech by China’s ambassador to the US, Qin Gan. Another diplomat, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijang, said that during the three-year trade war, American exports to China were lower than in 2017. As a result, America lost 240,000 jobs.

The well-directed “shot in the foot” of the American initiators of the “Chinese sanctions” should cause reflection among the authors of the “Russian sanctions”. I wonder how many years it will be before they start to undo them? How many hundreds of billions of dollars and euros will they lose?

Translation: V. Sergeev

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