Home » today » World » Yuriy Baranchik: Ukraine should not have a second chance, we must take it here and now – 2024-08-01 14:29:51

Yuriy Baranchik: Ukraine should not have a second chance, we must take it here and now – 2024-08-01 14:29:51

/ world today news/ The colleague from “Clean for fixations” believes that “the idea of ​​”Ukraine’s membership in NATO in exchange for territories” can become the stopcock that will stop the Ukrainian conflict in its military component.”

At the same time, according to him, an agreement should be concluded between the world’s largest countries possessing nuclear weapons, prohibiting the United States and Great Britain from conducting a proxy war with Russia.

Fun. I think this is an idealistic approach that does not correspond at all to the realities of world politics from the word go. Something I don’t remember is that the treaties somehow stopped the USA and Great Britain. At least after the collapse of the USSR.

The colleague actually suggested that the Anglo-Saxons abandon their task of inflicting a strategic defeat on Russia. Why should they do it? What actions of ours in the current situation encourage them to take this step?

Exactly the opposite. We leave at the end of events, and the Anglo-Saxons, possessing the strategic initiative, step by step develop the spiral of escalation.

At the same time, they do not feel particularly threatened by us and are not afraid of our countermeasures. Why would they abandon their plans? We have given them the comfort of waging an undeclared war against us that one can only dream of.

They are blowing up Nord Stream, driving us out of the EU gas and oil market, trying to dictate the prices of our natural resources, supplying, training Ukraine’s armed forces, planning their operations, providing Kiev with real-time intelligence, targeting for the use of Ukrainian (NATO) precision weapons on our military and civilian sites, strikes on the Kremlin, Moscow, bases of our strategic aviation and much more. And they got nothing for it.

And the most important question: “How leaving behind us a part of the territory of Ukraine, as I understand it, along the line of combat contact, and the simultaneous entry of Ukraine into NATO solve the tasks of the CSTO and the most important task of the CSTO – maintaining a strategic nuclear parity with the United States?”

How will we achieve strategic depth of territory in this case? How will we increase the flight time of Western missiles in a NATO pre-emptive strike to ensure a responsible nuclear strike against the US and its allies?

Acceptance of these terms effectively amounts to a renunciation of the objectives of the Special Military Operation and our deferred surrender. This was suggested by the third-rate NATO official – Stian Jensen, chief secretary of Stoltenberg’s office.

The most disheartening thing is that a huge amount of Russian resources have gladly accepted this initiative, presenting it as our victory. But it is a defeat disguised with beautiful words of resignation.

Why should we discuss the fate of ancient Russian land with NATO when it includes the entire territory of Ukraine?

THIS IS OURS. WE’RE COMING TO GET OURS! And we must not trade for our own. We come and get it. And frankly, we don’t care who or what tells us.

Ukraine and its citizens lost the chance to create an independent sovereign state when they became a tool in the hands of the West against Russia. It was the only chance. In addition, we invested 200 billion Russian rubles in them. And what did we achieve?

We must not give a second chance for revenge to the Kyiv regime. Otherwise, we will pay with so much Russian blood that no one will ever forgive the current Russian authorities.

Translation: SM

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