Home » today » World » “Yura, we have arrived.” Vandals left an inscription on a spaceship in Baikonur

“Yura, we have arrived.” Vandals left an inscription on a spaceship in Baikonur

Unknown people wrote on the ship “Yura, we have arrived.” Another inscription reads: “Before climbing to the stars, a person must learn to live on Earth.” Under it are signatures: Shots, Ruslan, Andrey and Burs. Also the word “good” is written on the ship.

Later “RIA Novosti” reported that the author of the graffiti posted a photo from the cosmodrome on Instagram on May 16 and wrote that he was going to this for a year and a half.

In a post that was later deleted, the author under the nickname burda.dobro wrote that “he, like Yura, became the first.”

Judging by the artist’s photographs, published in his account, he wrote the word “good” in different places – on trains, buildings, roofs, shop windows, in the metro tunnel, on the bridge near the Eiffel Tower in Paris.


Yuri Gagarin is a pilot-cosmonaut who became the first person in the world to fly into space. The Vostok launch vehicle with the Vostok-1 spacecraft carrying Gagarin was launched from the Baikonur cosmodrome in Kazakhstan on April 12, 1961. Gagarin spent 108 minutes in flight.

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