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Yuma Hospital can’t keep up with immigrants | Videos | Univision Phoenix KTVW

medical attention given to themdoes it provide to those who need it?Valery Ruiz traveled to Allah andexplains to us.valery: yuma county hasbeen one of the epicenters ofmigrants in recent years.an aspect that is not talked aboutis the medical attention that is givenprovides migrants in thiszone.for the last two years, theregional health centerborder helped thousands ofthey who come to this area.>> we serve in collaborationwith organizations topeople who are leavingdetention center.valery: they move them to theirfacilities to give themmedical attention. each truckThey have a capacity of 50people and have come to have>> they are given attentionquickly, does not last long withus, an hour and a half withus.valery: they provide transportationmigrants to reach theirfinal destination. sometimes if it isyour plane tickets.>> to get people out onthe port of phoenix to hisfinal destination.vbalery: this is the county ofyuma composed of the 5000miles and above 200,000population.there is only one hospital forserve the entire communitywhich means that the resourcesthey are running out the panoramaIt is different for the hospitalYuma, which only has 406part of fema and receive themigrants to be processed.Many come from the emergency roomwe also have a populationlarge number of pregnant peoplesaid the president of thevital.of the hospital. Hospitalmedical care formigrants, they say they will continuehelping even though their resources areexhaust.>>this is the challenge becausemigrants receive the samelevel of care than anyanother person.if president biden entersthrough our doors or amigrant, they will receive the sameattention level no matternothing. the hospital requests thatsolution leaders likeof the county also advocated forthe hospital in front of thesenators who this week

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