Yuki Ishikawa, producer of the upcoming Tales of Graces f Remastered, recently to conduct an interview revealed that he hopes to do the same for Tales of the Abyss in the future as he is currently doing for Tales of Graces f.
He also revealed that the team aims to reach as many viewers as possible by distributing the series on as many platforms as possible and avoiding any kind of exclusivity.
Additionally, Ishikawa mentioned that Tales of the Abyss is his personal favorite game and the reason he started working for Bandai Namco in the first place.
“In the past, some games have been platformless, but as it is now, with the current direction of the Tales of team, they don’t want that let this game or any games to come be a platform. to a wider audience So we think one of the ways to do that is to be available on as many platforms as possible.
“if so [Tales of the Abyss 重製版] For it to happen and for me to share that joy with other fans, that’s what I will strive to achieve. “
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