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Yudha Yudiana and KPSI: A Story of Recovery from Schizophrenia in Jakarta


Last year, Yudha Yudiana frequent hang out in a house in Cililitan, East Jakarta. Because it is close to where he lives, Yudha likes to walk there. Yudha’s activities at home vary, from chatting with his friends, to creating educational content together.

This house is the Secretariat Indonesian Schizophrenia Care Community (KPSI). Inaugurated in 2015, the community founded Good job Utomo It focuses on education about Schizophrenia: a chronic mental disorder associated with distortions in the assessment of reality.

“The most important thing about KPSI activities is education for people schizophrenia and his family. How to manage symptoms well, how to build the discipline to take medication and consult. “And also how to adapt to new conditions after he experienced schizophrenia,” explained Bagus in the program Figure detikcom.

Yudha’s meeting with Bagus and KPSI began a year ago. At that time, Yudha came to KPSI on the advice of his older brother. Apparently, this encounter made a big impression on Yudha. Because, thanks to that moment, Yudha’s eyes were increasingly opened to his condition People with Schizophrenia (ODS).

“My sister was looking for information about my illness, she was confused. ‘What is this? Why are you locking yourself in your room?’ like that, right? ‘Why are you aggressive, angry, why is this my child, my little brother?’ that’s it, right? Finally, browsing-browsing, meet KPSI. Come there,” explained Yudha.

As an ODS, Yudha realizes that stigma negativity often attaches to people like him. Being considered dangerous, a temper tantrum, even ‘crazy’ are some of the slanted assumptions of the society that he vaguely hears.

“They think of us like that, one eye, that’s it. Not one eye, that’s how it is. Creatures that might be dangerous, that’s how it is. Maybe dangerous because they’re aggressive, homeless, walking around without clothes, that’s what. That’s what I think know,” said Yudha.

Yudha did not deny that the schizophrenia he experienced had made him feel disconnected from reality. He had experienced periods of hiding at home and being afraid to meet other people. Yudha also admitted that he was easily triggered and became aggressive. All of this required Yudha to be rehabilitated in a mental hospital six times.

It was very difficult for Yudha to accept his condition. He even refused to take medicine. Because these drugs make him dazed and uncomfortable.

However, things started to change when he met Bagus Utomo and KPSI. Yudha no longer feels alone. At KPSI, Yudha can share stories and experiences with fellow ODS friends. He also received a lot of knowledge from Bagus, who opened his eyes to the condition he was experiencing.

“There are lots of friends here who share the same fate. So, we can share, exchange stories, convey ideas. We often chat with Mr. Bagus. He explains what schizophrenia is, how to deal with it. You have to make peace with your own illness. Finally, “I accept, starting from here maybe I accept, okay, I have to take medicine for the rest of my life, that’s it,” admitted Yudha.

This is in line with Bagus’s goal when establishing KPSI. Bagus wants to eradicate the stigma attached to schizophrenia and its sufferers. The main step taken by Bagus is education, both for the sufferer, the sufferer’s family and the wider community.

“There are still many people who underestimate it, I see. Because there are still those who think that, for example, they lack faith, yes. Lack of gratitude, that is the cause of mental disorders. Yes, I’m just heartened, if I face views like that. I think, yes, this is indeed the case. “Our challenge is to provide awareness to the community,” said Bagus.

Along with his journey at KPSI, Yudha’s condition increasingly improved. He admitted that he regularly took the medicine given by his new psychiatrist. Yudha said that his aggressiveness had decreased to zero. Yudha was able to accept his condition and become more productive.

Now, Yudha is responsible for KPSI’s social media design. Apart from that, his face is also often displayed in KPSI YouTube educational content. One of the educational series he conducted was entitled ‘Kongko Bujangs‘, a mental health educational podcast hosted by Yudha and his friends at KPSI.

Since joining KPSI, Yudha has realized one thing. He came to know how important a supportive environment is for schizophrenia recovery. He also has a mission to remain a volunteer at KPSI as long as he can. Yudha hopes that the stories he shares as ODS will be useful for the wider community.

“I just want to tell you about my life experience. Hopefully, I hope it will be useful for people caregiverand mainly for ODS (People with Schizophrenia), and ODMK (People with Mental Problems),” concluded Yudha.


2023-12-11 06:48:43
#Yudhas #fate #coming #terms #schizophrenia

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