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Ysy A: “I want to enhance the musical history of Argentina”

Ysy A, known from the times of The Fifth Step as Alejo, evolved in an unthinkable way in the urban landscape of Argentina. His tenacity made him one of the most transcendental Argentine artists on the current Trap scene.

He took advantage, like few others, of the pandemic to turn the confinement around and turn it into music. He took out various songs, but the most important thing he offered was his latest album (Antezana 247), as well as an unpublished comic that was a sensation in his country.

“After a first month of a lot of confinement, of not talking to anyone, in April – when the madness subsided a little – we got together with my team and said: ‘We are not going to allow a global pandemic to slow down the flow of energy. that we have in the head ‘. We were very determined to make strong history this year, ”Ysy A commented to the Argentine media Infobae.

“I began to value her more, she made me a very fast man. It is a manual of life. When I see it, it teaches me a lot of things just by being with me. Being a dad is what I appreciate the most every day of my life. It put me on the path I needed to be on. Before, I did things that didn’t add to me, that took me out of the right place. Having him, there’s no way I’m going to derail myself, “he added about what it means to be a father from such a young age.

And about freestyle? Ysy was very clear. “Three years ago, when I came out of freestyle battles and got into my music career, I understood that I had to strive to be my best version and lead by example,” he said. The battles were the kick to embark on a path to success. “I preferred to be independent and for the other to realize only that this way they can work the same way. The artist’s ego, sometimes, does not accept advice, not even from his best friend ”, he added.

“It occurs to me to return to that world to renew it. No to compete: yes to carry the philosophy of what I feel is freestyle, which I feel was lost. Before, we didn’t gain a single peso and we killed each other in the plaza for striving, being better rappers and improving ourselves day after day. Now, they pay them a salary, they have sponsors, they make money online, they have everything to win and they do not exceed anything, “he concluded. Freestyle, he understands, radically changed its essence.

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