This tweet is about a collectible trading card store in San Jose that was broken into, and over 35,000 Pokémon cards were stolen. The store owners shared surveillance footage of the break-in, and added some humor to the video by editing it with elements from the game Metal Gear Solid and a police raid. The thieves managed to escape before the police arrived.
The stolen Pokémon cards, while not individually rare, could still fetch a significant amount of money if sold. The total value of the stolen items is still being calculated. The tweet also humorously suggests that the thieves should have waited a few days before the break-in, as a new expansion of the Pokémon game was about to be released, making the stolen cards more valuable.tisc karet Pokémon, které mají vysokou sběratelskou hodnotu. Majitelka obchodu odhadla škodu na více než 35 000 dolarů.
Takové případy ukazují, že sběratelské karty mohou být velmi cenné a atraktivní pro zloděje, ačkoli sami možná neví, co s nimi dělat. Je důležité, aby majitelé sběratelských obchodů a sběratelé sami byli opatrní a měli zabezpečené své cenné kousky, aby se nestali terčem zlodějů.