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YouTube star Tim wants to help come to terms with death | BRAVO

“Thunderstorm in the head” star releases solo song

Most of you know Tim Lehmann and Jan Zimmermann in a double pack from the YouTube channel Gewitter im Kopf. The two friends have already seen a lot together. Thunderstorms in the head competed against Aaron Troschke in the series “Shame Game” and have already released three songs of their own. It’s going really well! In the BRAVO interview, thunderstorms in their heads already revealed whether they would ever stop using social media. Now they shocked their fans with a few sad posts. The background: Tim Lehmann has released his first solo song and the reason for this step is incredibly sad …

“You are missing”: The sad truth behind Tim’s song

Tim Lehmann released his solo song “You miss” today. The “thunderstorm in the head” star announced four days ago that his grandfather had died. The YouTuber had a very special relationship with him, he was like a superhero to him. The loss is very close to him, but Tim is not afraid to talk about his feelings. He reveals to BRAVO why he has just now decided to write a solo song: “When my grandpa got seriously ill in 2020, I packed my emotions into a song and wrote everything off my heart. He was one of the most important people in my life for me and that was one of the ways I dealt with the situation. “


“You are missing”: Tim hopes to help others with their grief as well

In “Du missst” Tim Lehmann has processed all his pain and now hopes that his song can also encourage other people: “When my grandfather succumbed to the illness this year, it was very important to me to publish the song in memory of him and to set a monument for him that can in turn help others to overcome emotions in a difficult phase of the To process life. “ We take our hats off to so much honesty and feeling. We also wish him and his family a lot of strength in this difficult situation.

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