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Youtube removes video content from Bolsonaro

In a press release on Tuesday, Youtube informed that they have removed videos from Bolsonaro’s channel.

They write that the decision was made after a careful review of the content, and point out that it has nothing to do with the Brazilian president’s job or political ideology.

Bolsonaro’s youtube channel is updated with new videos daily, and several of these have now been deleted due to misleading information about the coronavirus.

– Life goes on

Bolsonaro has long been accused of undermining the consequences of the pandemic. He has apparently overlooked the deadliest second wave the world has seen, and The country’s people have taken to the streets on several occasions to protest against the president and his handling of the pandemic..

In one of the videos that has been removed, Brazil’s former health minister Eduardo Pazuello compared the corona pandemic to HIV, according to BBC.

– After the HIV pandemic, HIV continued to exist. There are still some infected, most have been treated, and life goes on, Pazuello said.

In another video, a Brazilian doctor recommends hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin as treatment for Covid-19. The president also made fun of the face mask in several of the videos that have been removed.

Deleted multiple videos

– Our rules do not allow content that claims that hydroxychloroquine and / or ivermectin are effective as treatment or prevention of Covid-19, which claims that there is a cure for the disease, or says that face masks do not work to prevent the spread of the virus, writes Youtube in a statement.

The President’s Office did not immediately respond to the inquiry, this writes The Guardian.

Through the pandemic, Bolsonaro has received harsh criticism from all corners of the world after resisting closure, promoting various cures without scientific grounding, showing vaccine skepticism and avoiding and making fun of bandage use.

Earlier this year, he was also fined for violating local corona rules.

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