Home » today » News » YouTube Flooded with Fake Elon Musk Accounts Seeking Cryptocurrency Donations for “Accessible” Space Travel

YouTube Flooded with Fake Elon Musk Accounts Seeking Cryptocurrency Donations for “Accessible” Space Travel

Updated Friday, March 15, 2024 – 02:17

The video platform YouTube was flooded this Thursday with fake accounts in which cybercriminals used a voice with features very similar to that of Elon Musk, owner of SpaceX, to ask for donations in cryptocurrencies supposedly intended to make “accessible to all” space travel in the future.

According to the Popular Science website, there was a notable increase in these deceptive videos on YouTube taking advantage of the successful takeoff from Boca Chica (Texas) of Starship, the gigantic and powerful SpaceX ship that aspires to reach outer space.

In one of those videos that broadcast the launch live, a voice could be heard imitating that of Musk making a surprise appearance in Boca Chica to urge the public present and viewers on the internet to participate in a alleged cryptocurrency donation program.

That voice stated that the initiative sought to “democratize” space exploration and promised double investments in bitcoin to those who participated in said donation program.

All of this was a crude scam. However, it has not yet been determined whether the audio was a vocal clone with artificial intelligence or a simple human imitation.

YouTube has not commented on the matter, despite the fact that its platform has previously been criticized for hosting false or misleading content, and for users’ difficulties in distinguishing legitimate sources from potential fraud like this.

2024-03-15 02:50:57
#YouTube #filled #fake #Elon #Musk #accounts #cryptocurrency #donations

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