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YouTube dominates 10% of streaming watched on TV

YouTube dominates, for the first time, 10.4% of all streaming content consumption on television in the USA.

YouTube accounts for 10% of streaming content consumed on US television.

Television in USA -the future trend for the rest of the countries on the planet- is a business that is divided into four market segments, in this order:

  • streaming (41,4%)
  • cable (26,7%)
  • broadcast or free-to-air television (20.3%)
  • and other consumption alternatives (fast channels, above all)

Well, YouTube, within the majority segment, already bites into a double-digit portion and is the leader of this pie, in which they also operate Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Hulu o Disney.

The video platform of Googlenot in vain, achieves a milestone for the first time.

This is how the television business is divided up in the US.

YouTube It is now the first streaming platform to reach 10.4% of all television consumption in the United States, according to Nielsen’s latest report from July.

Nielsen, not surprisingly, highlights that streaming has become the dominant source of content, surpassing cable television and broadcast television combined.

Streaming consumption surpasses free-to-air and cable TV

In July, this audiovisual consumption format accounted for 41.4% of total television viewing, an increase of more than 5% compared to June, setting a new record in its category.

And the achievement of YouTube This is despite the start of the Olympic Games at the end of the month, which has affected television viewing and some streaming services.

Young audiences prefer YouTube to traditional TV

This trend is driven by younger users, who prefer YouTube over traditional television.

This reflects a generational shift in media consumption, with young people more interested in creators of content on YouTube than in traditional television celebrities.

Furthermore, YouTube’s ubiquity across all screens and its connection to young audiences position it as a dominant player in entertainment media, and the audience segmentation costs of the advertising campaigns are smaller than those of traditional television.

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