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YouTube chancellor duel with Rezo? Laschet cancels – news

Rezo tells SPD and Greens were ready, provided that Armin Laschet was also there. As Rezo says, he has already spoken to Laschet. The cancellation came three weeks later.

Rezo: “wrong signal for younger generations”

Rezo thinks that’s one “missed opportunity”. “If you basically don’t even take an evening off for the whole election campaign, and that’s what I think radiates, then I think that’s just a bad sign. I think it sets the tone a wrong signal to the outside world. “

Journalists’ Association shares Rezo’s lack of understanding

Rezo believes it is essential that politicians go to platforms where younger generations spend a lot of time. That is how Frank Überall, chairman of the German Association of Journalists, sees it. “Armin Laschet missed a chance with his no to a triell by Rezo and Tilo Jung,” he told WDR.

Laschet “would have reached young people in particular, i.e. those who only obtain information via social media“So everywhere.”In addition, such discussions are reflected in wide-reaching Internet appearances in the traditional mass media and thus contribute to the political discourse.

CDU countered: “Many digital formats“Planned with Laschet

The spokesman for the CDU federal party puts the rejection in a different light: There is “a large number of media inquiries to the party chairman“. “In addition to TV and radio formats, many digital formats for all target groups from young to old are planned with Mr. Laschet.

The former shows understanding for Laschet’s rejection CDU-General Secretary Ruprecht Polenz. He wrote on Twitter that you need a dispute like this “neutral moderator: inside“.

Defensive role for Laschet – but reach with young people

Florian Gregorzyk, host at WDR-Podcast 0630 and long-time YouTuber, assesses the discussion about Laschet’s rejection from two perspectives: “On the one hand, it is understandable that Armin Laschet would rather find himself in a defensive role in a show with Rezo and therefore perhaps thinks he doesn’t have much to gain there.

On the other hand, the three candidates – including Armin Laschet – would have been able to reach millions of young people online in just one day with such a prominent placement on the two largest live stream platforms in the world. “

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