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Youth Violence: Do Our Teenagers Know the Distinguish Between Good and Evil?

Dear readers, I know that we live in very difficult times where our society has become violent, abusive and disorderly: this has caused the crime increase and there are more fatalities, however it is extremely alarming see that, children and teenagers they are in the vanguard of those who commit violence.

Today I read the story of a 14 year old boy who confesses that he does not go out without taking his pistol with him, because that is the way he is going to defend himself against his enemies, who are from the same age that he. This young man comments that before any of them take his life, he will be the one who takes the life of his enemies.

How can this be in the heart and the mind of a 14 year old teenager? What is happening with the children and with society in general?

Young people and the influence of their friends

In a study done by the Ohio University in collaboration with psychologist Brad Bushman and the political scientist Robert Bond, found that young people are more likely to commit violent crimes when they hang out with other teens who have already committed crimes.

The experts They add that when one of them commits a crime the others follow him, until they become almost a epidemic since this violent feeling is dispersed among young people.

For these reasons, today, I want again reinsert what I have already said by this means on some occasions to the parents of children and teenagers: Yes you can escape the circle of violence.

Don’t let your kids isolate you

Do not let your children lock themselves in rooms for many hours with their cell phones and internet, this is deadly. In it internet there is a lot of danger for them, even terrorist organizations that are recruiting youths to commit or teach violence.

Keep all the doors of your house open.

I know that today has gotten a little more difficult for parents, since we are in the middle of this emergency of pandemic and they spend more time on the computer and tech, but be it you vigilante continually of what your kids are watching and what they’re on wrapped up.

Do you know your children’s friends?

Know who your friends hang out with sons, inquire at depth who are your friends, if possible ask to speak to fathers of those guys.

What are your children watching?

Do not allow children little ones watch novels or films where violence is glorified, be it him or her first to lead by example at home.

Talk constantly to your sons and even if they don’t want hear tell them about the consequences of not being obedient and committing crime.

Educate them in values

One of the reasons why boys they are missing is the absence of God in their lives and the lack of faith.

Many parents keep them busy in all kinds of sports and activities both at school and outsideAccording to them so that their minds are occupied, but they never take them to a church or speak to them of the fear of God.

The word of God He says that we instruct children in their way so that when they grow up they do not deviate from their values ​​and grow up as good people.

Society has removed the Ten Commandments of schools and every public place, and the lack of references between what is right and wrong, is a cause of so many violent children. They are growing up without teachings biblical views of what is morality and the limits given by God to humanity.

I recommend that you instruct your children in the word of God so that there is that fear of doing evil in their hearts.

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