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Youth reading promotion plan

El Cobay celebrates 40 years with a digital project

Two thousand twenty-one will be the “Year of Reading” for the Colegio de Bachilleres, an institution that celebrates its 40th anniversary of foundation.

For this reason, this month, in collaboration with the Autonomous University of Yucatán (Uady), a series of virtual and distance activities will be initiated to promote a taste for reading among its students and teaching staff, reported Cobay and Uady officials.

In a virtual press conference held the day before yesterday, the details of the “Collaborative Project for the activation and promotion of Cobay-Uady reading” were announced, within the framework of the National Strategic Programs (Pronaces), called by Conacyt.

José de Jesús Williams, rector of Uady; Pedro Canto Herrera, director of the Faculty of Education; Marco Antonio Pasos Tec, general director of Cobay in Yucatán; Pedro Canto Herrera, director of the Faculty of Education at Uady, and Heber Orlando Ramírez Erosa, academic director of the Colegio de Bachilleres de Yucatán.

It was indicated that there will be Saturday workshops to promote reading and a four-day international seminar for teachers of the Colegio de Bachilleres, all via digital.

At first, 166 students and 300 teachers will participate in these activities, thus generating the first promoters of reading in Cobay in a year of intense activity to promote reading as part of the comprehensive training process for better students. citizens.

Eloísa Alcocer Vázquez, promoter of this project, indicated that in 2019 the Cobay began to work on the proposal within the framework of the Pronaces, which was approved to start up last May.

However, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, restrictions on mobility and healthy distance measures, the reconfiguration of the strategies, all originally face-to-face, was ordered to migrate to a digital format that gives security to the participants avoiding possible contagions.

After important changes and adjustments, last Saturday the virtual workshops to promote reading were finally launched, which will continue on the remaining Saturdays in January and the first Saturday in February, with the participation of 166 Cobay students.

Virtual seminar

Also the day before yesterday, Monday, a virtual seminar on support reading-writing techniques began, which will last four days and will have the participation of leading specialists in the field and at least 300 teachers from Cobay.

“Reading is fundamental in the process of comprehensive training of more proactive and judicious citizens, since reading is an important source of knowledge, a habit that develops the cognitive and sensory skills of the person, thereby achieving generations more prepared for the future ”, Commented Eloísa Alcocer.— Emanuel Rincón Becerra

Literature Awareness

El Cobay and La Uady organize a series of activities to promote reading.

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“The workshops are designed to achieve an empathic approach with young students through various topics and genres, according to their interests and concerns, as a first step to bring them closer to reading,” said Eloísa Alcocer, promoter of the educational project.

More of the activities

“The seminar allows to know first-hand the experiences of literary creation professionals, in order to structure dynamic strategies in the process of promoting reading among young people, from the various spaces of the Colegio de Bachilleres”, he added.


“Uady actively participates in these strategies through its Faculty of Education, thus creating an important bridge for communication and the development of reading skills,” he said.

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