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Youth Pledge Day: Surakarta Keraton hoists kilometer-long flag

Headline: Surakarta Royal Palace Celebrates 96th Youth Pledge Day with Flag Hoisting

On Monday, the Keraton (Royal Palace) of the Surakarta Sunanate in Central Java marked the 96th Youth Pledge Day by hoisting a remarkable kilometer-long Indonesian Red and White Flag. Koes Moertiyah Wandansari, chair of the Surakarta Keraton Customs Council and inspector of the ceremony, shared the significance of the event, emphasizing the importance of the national flag as a symbol of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia.

A Historic Commemoration

The ceremonial flag hoisting took place in the Baluwarti area surrounding the Keraton, with hundreds of school students proudly serving as flag bearers. Wandansari described the choice to involve youth as a crucial step in instilling a sense of national pride and responsibility: “Our main mission is to encourage people from younger generations to always protect the Red and White Flag because this flag is the symbol of the existence of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia,” she stated.

This year’s ceremony marked the inaugural celebration at the Keraton, and officials plan to establish it as an annual event, coinciding with the Indonesian Keraton Festival. "God willing, (this ceremony) will be held every year in conjunction with the Indonesian Keraton Festival. We are planning to bring this flag to every ceremony and keraton festival," Wandansari remarked.

Recognizing Historical Significance

The day’s activities were not only about celebrating the flag; they also aimed to deepen public understanding of Indonesia’s rich national history. Wandansari noted that the Indonesian flag’s colors are inspired by banners from the Surakarta Sunanate and the Majapahit Kingdom. She encouraged the citizens, especially government officials and leaders, to keep this historical connection alive: “We would like to remind our nation, especially government officials and leaders, against forgetting our history.”

Community and Participation

The commemorative ceremony took place in Kori Kamandungan Hall at the Surakarta Keraton, attracting participation from a diverse audience that included students, Surakarta Sunanate royal servants, municipal government officials from Solo, and members of the police and military. Such widespread engagement highlights a collective commitment to honoring and preserving national heritage among the community.

Future Endeavors: A National Legacy

As the region celebrates this important day, it sets the stage for future initiatives aimed at fostering a strong sense of identity and historical appreciation. The continued involvement of the Surakarta youth in these ceremonies is a promising indication of future engagement and pride in Indonesian heritage.

The Youth Pledge Day serves as a reminder of the commitment between the generations in Indonesia, blending history with the present as it compels the youth to foster and protect the cultural and national symbols intrinsic to their identity.

Engage with Us!

What are your thoughts on the significance of the Indonesian flag in contemporary society? We invite readers to share their views and experiences celebrating Youth Pledge Day. As we reflect on our nation’s rich history, let’s find ways to integrate these values into our modern lives. Join the conversation in the comments below.

For further reading, check out related articles on the importance of national identity and culture at TechCrunch or The Verge, and follow us for more updates on cultural events and national celebrations.

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