Thierry N.
21 minutes
What if the solution was to take control of our lives? Who has the right to decide anything about the lives of others? By what right ? Are we at war with a foreign power? “In moderation”, “not too fat”, “not too sweet”, “no snacking”, “you do not get off a moving train”, “watch out for walking when getting off the train”, people don’t have not been 4 years old their whole life !!!!! Now it’s in the doghouse at 6 p.m., no culture, no conviviality at the table, a teaching in agony whose level has melted like snow in the sun (look at the level of L1 at the FAC !!), a service of health martyred when he was the best in the world, after a plunder of our public services, it is a plunder of our mental health! Basta!