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Youth Assistance Netherlands critical of new cabinet approach plan


News from the NOS

Branchevereniging Jeugdzorg Nederland is disappointed with the government’s new plans for the sector. In a Letter to parliament Minister Weerwind and Secretary of State Van Ooijen wrote today about the approach to the crisis in youth protection. Two months ago, the House of Representatives was critical of their first action plan.

The letter said that children subject to a child protection order by the court should be given priority over children in less serious child care needs. The ministers invite the municipalities and youth assistance operators “to give concrete form immediately”.

The cabinet is also taking steps to limit the influx of children into youth protection. In the case of complex divorces or parenting problems caused by high debt or addiction, the protection of young people is still too often required, ministers believe. By offering help and support in advance, a youth protection appeal can be prevented, write Weerwind and Van Ooijen.

Future versus today

Youth Assistance Netherlands considers the plans insufficient. “The new letter is filled with proposals on the expansion of the living labs, seminars and conferences, small-scale pilot projects and plans to follow throughout 2023,” says board member Arina Kruithof. All good plans in themselves, but they are about the future and something needs to be done right now.”

In March, the industry protested at the Malieveld in The Hague:


Youth workers demonstrate: ‘Sometimes the group has to close for a day’

The problems in youth care are heartbreaking: children who have been on waiting lists for too long, a lack of care providers and a high workload. In September, the Inspectorate for Justice and Security and the Inspectorate for Health and Youth Welfare requested “with emphasis” for the measures, “because the government is failing in its task of protecting vulnerable children”. For example, it will often still be a long time before children receive the help they are entitled to.

According to Jeugdzorg Nederland, vulnerable families are still the victims, “because central government and municipalities are once again putting solutions on the back burner, while water is on the lips of the sector”.

Disappointed MPs

Also MPs from, among others sp, Labor Party and GroenLinks are critical of the government’s latest plans.

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