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Youtap Supports Breadlife to Digitize 200 Outlets

Jakarta, Selular.ID – In providing digital solutions, Youtap is increasingly reaching out to various business actors in Indonesia. This time, Youtap Indonesia collaborated with Breadlife Bakery to carry out digital transformation to strengthen business operations and improve Breadlife Bakery services.

Even though it has only been running for two months, this collaboration has brought various benefits to Breadlife, from increasing transactions in hundreds of outlets to expanding market reach. Not only for Breadlife, this collaboration can also open up new opportunities for hundreds of thousands of other Youtap MSME partners.

Head of Marketing and R&D Breadlife, Bayu Susetyo Adhi, through a virtual media briefing today, Wednesday (30/06/2021), said that as a business with nearly 200 outlets that continues to grow, Breadlife is encouraged to continue to optimize its business operations. Moreover, since the Covid-19 pandemic, customer behavior has also shifted to digital lifestyle.

“Therefore, Breadlife is carrying out a digital transformation by cooperating with Youtap Indonesia, whose track record has been proven in helping business actors realize more effective, efficient, secure, and easy business management through digital technology.” concluded Bayu.

Previously, the recording of transactions in Breadlife’s business operations was still done manually. This manual method runs the risk of creating errors due to human error as well as can consume energy and a long time.

However, since being digitized with Youtap technology in April 2021, sales financial records at Breadlife outlets have become more orderly, efficient, and precise. Currently, there are almost 200 Breadlife outlets in the Greater Jakarta area, both in the form of stores in large malls and corner store on the roadside, has used Youtap in recording sales transactions and this data is integrated with the entire Breadlife network automatically real time.

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The main benefits felt by Breadlife, among others:

  • Maximize business performance and innovation with data intelligence

Youtap technology records sales data accurately and everything is presented summarized in dashboard Youtap. Data intelligence processed by Youtap technology can read sales patterns and trends.

For example, what types of bread were purchased the most and least, and the time customers visited the most. This advantage helps Breadlife get insights consumer spending behavior patterns in each region. This data can also be used for the purposes of providing stock and promotional activities as well as other marketing strategies.

All these advantages are made possible by the power of Youtap which lies in back-end. Especially for Breadlife, Youtap implements a complete and comprehensive range of digital solutions, namely cash and non-cash payment solutions, sales settlement solutions, cash sales deposit solutions, sales report solutions, and solutions Point of Sales (POST). With the Youtap service that is all in one and ready to use, all sales information and data can be obtained in a very fast time.

  • Give freedom of payment options for increasingly tech-savvy consumers

Youtap technology allows Breadlife to accept various payment options, from cash, debit cards, to e-wallet. Youtap makes it easy for partners to process transactions QR dynamic, good MPM (Merchant Presented Mode) or CPM (Consumer Presented Mode). In fact, since using Youtap technology, Breadlife has recorded a 35% increase in non-cash transactions.

  • Stock Shopping Service Innovation, Youtap expands Breadlife’s reach

Breadlife together with Youtap also open new business opportunities through the Stock Shopping Service, where Youtap will help facilitate the sale of Breadlife products through its MSME partners, which number more than 150 thousand merchants.

This will open up opportunities for Breadlife for the first time to distribute Breadlife products outside their outlets and reach a wider market. This collaboration also opens up new business fields for MSME players to develop their business with the type of Breadlife products that can be ordered through the Youtap Business Portal.

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