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Your Weekly Love Horoscope for February 5 – 11, 2024: Embrace the Winds of Change and Discover Your Romantic Destiny

Weekly Love Horoscope: February 5 – 11, 2024

Weekly Love Horoscope: February 5 – 11, 2024

Let the winds of change move over you like a reminder from the divine that everything is happening precisely as it is meant to be. Return to your inner knowing by placing your hands on your heart and trusting that you are here in this moment for a reason. No recent challenges, heartbreak, or love that appears to have been lost can take you away from what is meant for you – and what has always been.

February 5 – 11, 2024, brings in a great deal of energy, not only as Mercury enters Aquarius and the New Moon and Lunar New Year occur within this air sign but also because the asteroids are quite active this week.

With so much energy changing in the cosmos, you might feel that this is a very active week for you. Even if it feels as if it’s more in the planning or preparation phase, internally, there may be feelings of restlessness as you know that a moment is approaching in which you will be called upon to make a decision or take action as you consciously choose to leave the past behind you and move into your beautiful new future.

Important dates for love the week of February 5 – 11, 2024

Monday, February 5

Mercury enters Aquarius and inspires you to focus on your inner truth. Mercury in Aquarius can help you tune into your true feelings and desires, apart from what seems possible or from what others expect of you. This brings the ability to truly see and honor what you need from a relationship and who your heart is leading you toward. The energy of Mercury in Aquarius is amplified as Sun and Pluto are currently moving through this air sign as well, which means you can expect to make great progress in your romantic relationship during this period. If you are listening to your heart and willing to do whatever it takes, then love and desire will be yours. Asteroid Pallas, ruler of wisdom, shifts into Sagittarius, too, bringing in a new energy of truth. Pallas helps you to understand, to come to a greater state of knowledge, and to fight for what it is you want. Yet Sagittarius, the seeker of truth, also helps you remember that while you have the conscious choice to follow your heart or not, your mind can never overrule what you already feel. Let yourself be pulled by your desires, by what is impossible, as you return to the knowingness that you are meant for a great love.

Wednesday, February 7

There is a fortunate alignment between Saturn in Pisces and Uranus in Taurus that can bring in a desire to create something unique and special. Traditionally known as a quintile, this aspect brings about a unique relationship that is focused more on developing a unique relationship by first honoring the individuality of everyone.

There is an emphasis on moving toward a deeper bond and exploring new realms of connection in your romantic life. Let yourself be curious about your desires and embrace the unconventional. Asteroid Ceres will enter Capricorn, an unusually active week for the major asteroids, bringing in the structure and responsibility that you need to fulfill your romantic destiny. Ceres governs over your inner feminine and the ability to nurture and care for yourself, those you love, and your romantic partner. But in Capricorn, it also is directed toward achieving success through practical acts of love and focusing on how not just to wish for the relationship you want but to do whatever it takes to create it.

Thursday, February 8

Asteroid Vesta will station direct in Gemini and help infuse your heart with a desire for reconnection. Vesta rules your internal fire, representing not only your deepest wants but also your inner self. In Gemini, you are encouraged to reconnect to what and who you are most interested in through different and original methods. This will encourage deep conversations and loving outside the box, enabling you to show up as more of your authentic self and enjoy the truest meaning of love.

Friday, February 9

The New Moon in Aquarius rises on the tenth and brings about not only a beautiful new beginning but also the Lunar New Year, which is celebrated on the tenth. A New Moon is all about setting intentions for what you hope to create within the six-month lunar cycle leading up to the Full Moon in Aquarius on August 19, 2024. Aquarius is the rule breaker, the one that propels you toward generational healing and helps you step into your most authentic self. Use this New Moon to set an intention for what you hope will grow in your romantic life, knowing that you may also have to take a unique path of healing to achieve it. But this is also a magical time because it represents another opportunity for a New Year, so if January hasn’t lived up to your expectations, then use this time to create the new beginning that you have been searching for.

Each zodiac sign’s weekly love horoscope for February 5 – 11, 2024:


Best Love Day: Wednesday, February 7, Saturn aligns with Uranus, helping you honor your inner desires. There is an interesting mix of romantic energy coming in as Saturn in Pisces aligns with Uranus in Taurus, highlighting your belief that you’re worthy of all you dream of. This is the pinnacle of a bigger journey for you in which you allow yourself to move away from situations that feel depleting or taxing to your soul and toward what resonates more deeply. Use this time to validate your inner self in what you feel and what you want. In terms of relationships, whatever you allow is what you will receive. So, if you want your partner to show up differently for you, to change the agreements of the relationship or pursue things with another, then you must believe that you deserve the love you really want — and not the one you merely settle for.


Best Love Day: Monday, February 5, Pallas in Sagittarius bringing in desire and transformation. Asteroid Pallas shifts into Sagittarius and lights up possibilities of desire and transformation in your romantic life. Pallas governs your wisdom, the desire for knowledge, and your inner motivation. Sagittarius focuses more on making the necessary changes in your life and fostering a deeper sense of intimacy with your partner. Whether you’re looking to reconnect in an existing relationship or attract a new connection, this energy can help you bring about the relationship that you genuinely are looking for.


Best Love Day: Monday, February 5, Pallas in Sagittarius, infusing your relationship with greater connection. There is so much positive energy surrounding you right now in your romantic life that it may feel that there isn’t one specific aspect to focus on. But in all the busyness of life, you must also understand that it’s all positive. There are new opportunities, greater excitement, connection, and adventure. But within all of that is the realization that it truly all comes down to who you share your life with. Asteroid Pallas moves into Sagittarius and activates your sector of relationships with a desire for greater connection. By honoring this need, you can embrace all the positive energy in your life and take your relationship to the next level. Explore new places together, take a yoga course, and let yourself fully commit to the person that you can now see has always been by your side.


Best Love Day: Wednesday, February 7, Ceres in Capricorn creates more love and quality time in your relationship. Everything in life is already improving, even if it’s happening slowly. But as Ceres shifts into Capricorn, activating your house of love, you can start directing more of your energy toward what and who is investing in you. Capricorn rules over your romantic relationships, and with Pluto just having left this earth sign at the end of January, it’s an area of your life that has gone through a complete overhaul. Now, though, as Ceres enters Capricorn, it’s less about lessons and challenges and more about loving yourself in all the ways you desire because that sets the tone for every other relationship in your life. Let yourself believe in love again, tune into what you need, and, if you’re single, pledge to date yourself for a bit. Give yourself the special moments you seek, and then be open to love wherever it may bloom. This means letting yourself say yes to someone who isn’t traditionally your type or giving a second chance. But most of all, by believing in love once again, you’ll also be better able to spot it when it finally arrives.


Best Love Day: Friday, February 9, Aquarius New Moon bringing a beautiful new romantic beginning. Aquarius is the zodiac sign governing your house of love and relationships. This area is also one that is just beginning a new era, as Pluto recently moved into this air sign. With Pluto, Sun, Mercury, and the New Moon rising in your house of love, trust that you also will have a grand opportunity for a beautiful new beginning. A new beginning in love could be with someone new or in an existing relationship. But it marks a time of renewed trust, dedication, and the courage to give love another chance. Let yourself answer the call to start something new during this New Moon in Aquarius. Try to reflect on what the purpose of everything you’ve experienced in recent months has been, and look for where you are being offered a chance to start something new. You may have a chance to meet with a new love interest during this time or finally see your current partner in a new light. Just remember that while you will be offered a new beginning, it is up to you to take it.


Best Love Day: Wednesday, February 7, Saturn aligns with Uranus, creating new horizons in love. Saturn has been in Pisces since 2023, bringing amazing and dramatic changes to your romantic life. Whether you’ve begun a new committed relationship or taken the next step in your connection, it’s about focusing on seriously setting up your romantic life. But during the week of February 5, as Saturn in Pisces aligns with Uranus in Taurus, you may seek to add a new element to your relationship. If you are still single, you’ve been through it, so you may end up meeting someone new around this time that will prove to be a lasting connection. But if you’re already in a committed relationship or married, then you may be seeking new experiences to bring into your union. Look at travel opportunities or new and exciting date night ideas to add fresh energy to your life.


Best Love Day: Thursday, February 8, Vesta in Gemini helps you to honor your inner desires. It’s okay at times to get carried away by what you feel. To take risks, to put it all on the line for what you really want and desire. Often, the changes necessary in romance will always come with a risk or the feeling that you might be losing your mind to fulfill your destiny. But trust in this process. Let yourself be pulled by what and who you can’t stop thinking about because it’s all part of you finally creating a fulfilling relationship.


Best Love Day: Friday, February 9, Aquarius New Moon highlights themes of freedom and fresh starts. There will always be important issues to discuss, but that’s exactly why you can focus on ensuring you’re laughing, smiling, and enjoying the most of each moment together. Don’t be afraid to shut off your phones or take off for a few days because love is meant to make life better. Aquarius energy will really take center stage in the coming years as Pluto has recently shifted into this air sign. In 2024, Pluto will cross over the zero degree of Aquarius twice, giving you more power to create your new beginning, which is all about freedom and fresh starts. Embrace the energy of this New Moon, and let it inspire you to make the changes necessary to create a fulfilling relationship.


Best Love Day: Wednesday, February 7, Saturn aligns with Uranus, creating new horizons in love. Saturn in Pisces aligning with Uranus in Taurus may bring about a significant shift in your approach to love. This alignment highlights the importance of setting your boundaries, moving away from any depleting situations, and stepping onto a path that is more aligned with your desires. During this time, allow your inner self to be the guide and trust in the possibilities that a new beginning in your love life can bring. Uranus in Taurus may also bring some unexpected changes and liberating experiences that can help you move closer to fulfilling your true desires and finding the love and happiness you seek.


Best Love Day: Wednesday, February 7, Saturn aligns with Uranus, creating new horizons in love. Saturn, your ruling planet, aligning with Uranus can bring significant changes and improvements to your romantic life. This alignment highlights the need to break free from old patterns and embrace a more authentic and fulfilling way of loving and being loved. Whether you’re single or in a committed relationship, this is an exciting time to set new intentions and explore the depths of your desires. Allow yourself to explore new experiences, and be open to the unexpected. Trust that the universe has a plan for your love life, and the changes you make now can lead to a more fulfilling and joyful romantic journey.


Best Love Day: Thursday, February 8, Vesta in Gemini creates a desire for greater joy and connection. Allow yourself to prioritize joy and connection in your love life. As you explore the depths of your desires, don’t be afraid to pursue what brings you the most happiness. This is an excellent time to deepen your connection with your partner or to attract a new, joyful love connection into your life. Let go of any limitations or expectations, and embrace the magic and potential that love has to offer. As you honor your inner truth and desires, you’ll be amazed at the profound and joyful connections you can create in your romantic life.


Best Love Day: Thursday, February 8, Vesta in Gemini encourages you to tune into what you really want from love. As Vesta shifts into Gemini, you have the opportunity to reconnect with your inner desires and explore what truly brings you joy in love. Let go of any limitations or expectations that may have been holding you back, and allow yourself to dream and desire. This is a time to embrace your most authentic and unique desires and to create a love life that aligns with your deepest self. Trust that as you honor your inner truth, you’ll attract the love and happiness you truly deserve.

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