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your privacy policy is in question

since last year WhatsApp has been having a lot of problems with the latest changes in its privacy policy, since the new terms began to clash with the European authorities, and today we know that WhatsApp will be held accountable in the European Union.

The European Commission has put question the terms of service and privacy policy that WhatsApp currently has in Europe, and for this the company of the most used messaging client in the old continent will have to explain to the European authorities to demonstrate that they are complying with current laws.

The new privacy policy is not very clear

Last July 2021, the European Organization of Consumers (BEUC) and eight of its member associations* warned about alleged unfair practices in the recent changes in the terms of service and privacy policy of WhatsApp. The European Network of Consumer Protection Authorities (CPC) began discussions with WhatsApp, and now under the leadership of the Swedish Consumer Agency, and with the support of the European Commission, the CPC Network invites WhatsApp to clarify:

  • How WhatsApp ensures that consumers can understand the consequences of accepting the terms of service updated;
  • How WhatsApp uses consumers’ personal data for marketing purposes and whether consumers understand that WhatsApp shares this data with other companies from Facebook/Meta or with third parties;
  • How WhatsApp ensures that consumers can opt out of the new terms of service, especially since the persistent notifications in the application ask consumers to accept the respective changes;
  • What measures does WhatsApp intend to take with respect to those consumers who have already accepted the updated terms of service under the false presumption that this was necessary in order to continue using the application.

The European Commission gives WhatsApp a period of one month to give its explanations. Before March 2022 you will have to answer all the questions that have been published in the request for information of the European Network of Consumer Protection Authorities (CPC).

Starting in March, depending on WhatsApp’s response, the CPC with the support of the European Commission will assess whether the company has taken the appropriate measures to fully comply with EU consumer protection law. If not and whatsapp could receive different sanctions.

From Xataka we have contacted WhatsApp and their response is that they hope “to be able to explain to the European Commission how we protect the privacy of our users in accordance with our obligations under EU law.”

More information | [BEUC](More information | BEUC)
In Xataka Mobile | You can now make WhatsApp delete the messages you send automatically and by default: this is how it works

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