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Your phone may have been compromised!

Your phone may have been compromised!

Android ve iOS With the developments in operating systems, phones have gained features far beyond the call and text features and have turned into portable smart devices that can do the tasks of laptops and PCs.

We use our phones to take photos, send and receive emails, communicate via social media platforms, wallets and banking apps. All this wealth of data also attracts threat actors who want to commit identity theft and fraud. So how do you know if your phone has been hacked?

Lukas Stefanko, malware researcher of cybersecurity organization ESET, shared tips that users should pay attention to.


One of the most common tactics used to hijack a victim’s device is to use phishing and spam emails that contain malicious links or attachments. After the victim clicks on the attachment or link, this malware allows hackers to accomplish their original purpose.

Another strategy is fake websites where cybercriminals impersonate websites of popular brands or organizations. These are full of malicious links that download malware onto your device once clicked. It’s also not uncommon for cybercriminals to distribute fake apps that look like real apps, unwittingly directing victims to download keyloggers, ransomware, or spyware masquerading as fitness tracking tools or cryptocurrency apps. These apps are usually distributed through unofficial app stores.


There are several signs that your smartphone may have been compromised. According to malware researcher Lukas Stefanko, the most common signs of a device being compromised are the battery draining faster than usual, your internet data usage spikes even though your browsing habits have not changed, your GPS capability or your internet (Wi-Fi or mobile data) on its own. can be enabled or disabled, and random ad pop-ups or installation of unknown apps without your authorization.

Another sign is when apps that were working well before start to behave strangely, including suddenly closing and restarting, or failing completely and showing unexpected errors.

Other signs that your device has been compromised are when you start receiving strange calls or strange messages, your phone automatically tries to call or text premium international numbers. You can sometimes see them in your outgoing call list. Let’s not forget about one of the most obvious signs: Android If your phone has been compromised by ransomware, you may not be able to log into your phone.


There are no magic fixes or one-click solutions when it comes to reducing the chances of your device being compromised by malware. However, you can stay safe from threats by following a combination of these preventive and proactive steps:

– Update both your operating system and apps as soon as the latest versions are available.

– Keep a backup of your data safe in case your device is compromised.

– Use a reputable mobile security solution with a proven track record of protecting you from most threats.

– Stay connected to the official store when downloading apps and always make sure to check the reviews of both the app and its developer.

– Be aware of common tactics used by cybercriminals to infiltrate and compromise devices.

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