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YOUR NEWS. The lawyer: a vocation for the common good

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However, we lawyers are heroes.
I notice a colleague on the subway who I only know by sight. In reality I hadn’t seen him for years, he must be the same age as me and, probably like me, he has tiredness in his eyes and on his face.

This is a backbreaking activity.
When I read the newspapers I notice a vision on the part of society that is completely divorced from the concept of a lawyer.
People don’t know, don’t understand or pretend not to see what we do every day… for the individual and, therefore, for the common good.

Every morning we wake up, put on our costume and go into battle, first around the city and then on the war field: the Tribunal on duty.
In reality this is a profession that no one would do if they didn’t love it.

There are those who believe that we are criminals or accomplices because we defend those who society has already decided are guilty. There are those who believe that we are all millionaires on the absurd belief that we don’t pay taxes. If a public employee saw how much I give to the Order, the Fund and the State, he would flee to Mexico.

The truth is that we are heroes because only those who love the idea that the Defender represents would have anything to do with this company, with these clients, with these magistrates, with this reality.
To my colleague, with whom I only exchanged a look of understanding in which we told each other everything, I send a hug.

lawyer Alfredo Elia Prototipo

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