Do you know what harmful foods are?
In this article we talk about more Harmful foods; Which people think is healthy but in reality it is not Healthy As is common belief.
Whole grain bread
This rule does not apply to all types and types of wholemeal bread, but it is possible that this type of bread, which many believe is healthy, may contain quantities of molasses or corn syrup, especially wholemeal bread that is marketed as wholemeal bread with honey. Therefore, you must read the contents carefully, or prepare this bread at home or with a baker you know well.
Contents must be read carefully before use
Gluten-free foods
Of course it may be an option Food Gluten-free is a new opportunity for a happy life for people with gluten intolerance. However, choosing gluten-free foods just because you believe that it is better for the body may be a grave mistake, especially since most gluten-free ready-made products in the market contain large amounts of sugar, just like any other product, if not more.
In addition, an alternative flour to wheat flour is often used, which can contain more calories than regular flour and contains a similar amount of carbohydrates. Most products marketed as gluten-free are usually more processed than regular products and contain the same amount of sugars and carbohydrates as regular products, with less fiber and protein.
Protein bars
Protein can be an excellent way to fuel your muscles, but protein bars are never a healthy food. Protein bars contain soy, which may cause bloating, as well as sodium, artificial colorings, sugar, and high-fructose corn syrup, which makes them a source of harm and discomfort to your body.
Even when choosing a sugar-free or low-carb protein bar, research published in the Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine has shown that these foods are linked to the artificial sweeteners used to flavor many low-sugar foods, which leads to an increased risk of weight gain and a feeling of needing to eat sugar. .
Coconut water
It is not harmful to drink coconut water from time to time, but relying on it as a substitute for water or as a daily drink may be a wrong decision, especially when eating canned products because it is rich in added sugar. It is true that drinking coconut water is healthier than various soft drinks, but consuming too much of it may pose a health risk.
Sweetened and flavored yogurt
Milk is considered one of the magic foods when talking about weight loss and digestive health, but relying on it and eating too much of it may be harmful. Commercial flavored milk may contain artificial colorings and flavorings that may lead to serious illnesses, and large amounts of sugar to the point that it may turn into a bad food, just like ice cream.
Dried fruits
A person can rely on dried fruits as a simple snack during the day, but they contain a large amount of sugar. For commercial types of dried fruits, the fruit may be coated with sugar before drying, and preservatives may be used such as sulfite, which is considered one of the most common substances that cause food allergies.
Vegetable oil
Vegetable oils were once promoted as healthy and heart-friendly and this misconception remains common. In fact, vegetable oils such as corn oil, sunflower oil, soybean oil, and cotton oil are all partially hydrogenated and can lead to raising the level of harmful cholesterol and causing heart attacks and vascular diseases.
Popcorn prepared in the microwave
Popcorn may be one of the really healthy foods, but the packaged, ready-made version that is easy to prepare in the microwave is definitely not healthy. Most packets of microwave popcorn contain huge amounts of salt as well as a large amount of saturated fat.
Soy milk
Again, soy milk may be an excellent choice for people with lactose intolerance or milk allergy, but that does not mean it is a completely healthy food. Soy milk may cause many problems for people with hormonal disorders, and it usually contains a large amount of sugar.
Skimmed milk
Skimmed milk is described as not having the same taste as whole milk, and moreover, it may not contain enough benefits for the body. Studies and research published in Circulation have shown that whole-fat dairy products are associated with a lower risk of developing diabetes, and research conducted at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston found that there is no link between eating full-fat dairy products and heart disease. .
Energy drinks and sports drinks
Even if you aspire to reach a distinguished athletic status, this is no excuse to consume an excessive variety of energy drinks and sports drinks. In addition to the artificial colorings added to these drinks, which can lead to cancer, most energy drinks contain large amounts of sugar equivalent to the amounts found in soft drinks.
Eat egg whites without the yolk
When you decide to eat only the egg whites without the yolks, you reduce the healthy fats you eat, deprive yourself of vitamin B12, which provides energy to the body, and vitamin D, which helps with weight loss, and you lose a way to raise the level of beneficial cholesterol. Therefore, you can monitor the amounts of eggs you eat while maintaining the intake of a whole egg.
Diet soft drinks
Drinking diet drinks may be one of the reasons for your declining health. In addition to large amounts of chemical sugar substitutes that are harmful to the liver, diet soft drinks usually contain “caramel coloring,” which researchers at the John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health found may lead to cancer. In addition, these drinks contain carbon that is harmful to tooth enamel and other harmful additives.
banana bread
Do not think that banana bread is healthy for you and your body just because it contains a fruit in its name. In addition to bananas, it contains sugar, butter, and white flour, which can lead to high sugar, weight gain, and raise the level of calories that are consumed.
Fruit salad and preserved fruits
Of course, fruits are among the best foods that a person can eat, but the matter is different when these fruits are dipped or preserved in a sugary solution, especially commercial and canned salads. Studies show that one standard cup of ready-made fruit salad can contain 37g of sugar, which is more than the amount of sugar found in the same amount of soft drinks.
Sugar substitutes/artificial sweeteners
Artificial sugar substitutes may be calorie-free, but that is not enough to be considered healthy foods. Research conducted at Yale University found that artificial sweeteners can raise your calorie intake, make you crave real sugar, and may put you at risk for obesity and diabetes.
2023-11-25 04:30:39
#comprehensive #guide #reputable #harmful #foods