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Your Characteristics Blocked on WhatsApp

There is no direct way to check if you have been blocked.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – WhatsApp provides a sign or clue that can reveal if someone has blocked you. WhatsApp won’t tell you right away, but there are a number of signs you can look out for.

Your hint has been blocked on WhatsApp

There is no direct way to check if you have been blocked. Because, WhatsApp will not notify you at all. However, you can’t see the contact’s online status in the chat window.

You will also not be able to see the “Last seen” or “Last seen” indicators. Keep in mind, these two signs can be reasons other than you being blocked, there is no guarantee of proof.

Also, you won’t be able to see any changes to the contact’s profile photo. This flag is useful because you can compare your phone with the phones of other people who have the same contact to see if there are differences in the profile picture. However, this method only works if someone has actually changed their photo.

When you send a message to someone who has blocked you, your message will be marked as sent but never delivered. This includes if you make a phone or video call it won’t work.

However, these two signs can also be caused by someone who does not have an internet connection. Again, checking the status of your sent messages against other people who have also texted your contacts is an easy way to check.

How to block someone on WhatsApp

Reported The Sun, Thursday (30/12), if there is a contact that really bothers you, you can block it so that the contact can’t contact you anymore. Here’s a simple way to block someone on WhatsApp.

1.Open your chat with the contact and then tap on their name. Then select “Block contact.”

2. Go to Settings > Account > Privacy > Blocked and add the contact to your block list.

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