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Youngest DPR Member Letters General Dudung, Asks for Adjutant from TNI

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

Member of the Indonesian Parliament from the Party Faction NasDem, Hillary Brigita Lasut, admitted sending a letter to the Army Chief of Staff (KSAD), General Dudung Abdurachman, asking for aides or security assistance from the TNI.

According to him, the application submitted was in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Defense Number 85 of 2014 concerning TNI Professional Personnel on Duty Outside the Ministry of Defense and TNI Institutions.

“Many have asked whether it is true that I asked for an aide or security assistance from the TNI. It is true, I wrote to the Kasad to request security assistance in accordance with Ministerial Regulation No. 85 of 2014,” said the youngest member of the DPR via Insta Stories on his Instagram account, @hillarybrigitta , Thursday (2/12).

He said he had long considered getting TNI security assistance because physically and mentally he was always ready for an emergency.

Hillary admitted that it was too much trouble for the National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, when he asked for aides or security assistance from the Police.

Hillary also admitted that she was more comfortable getting security assistance from the TNI because there were many cases of small communities in North Sulawesi (Sulut).

“Regarding the many cases of small communities in North Sulawesi that I oversee, I feel more comfortable this time asking the TNI for help,” said Hillary.

Furthermore, he revealed the reason for asking for an aide from the TNI. She said being a woman in her 20s and unmarried, especially in the dynamic and unpredictable world of politics, is not easy.

According to him, the obligation to carry out external assignments, meet many people and the community until late at night, and express opinions and voices of the people who sometimes differ from the interests of some powerful groups, makes him unable to avoid threats and worries.

Hillary also admitted that she lives alone with her aunt and younger siblings in Jakarta. According to Hillary, the presence of her father who served in the border area was one of the factors that made her consider getting security.

“Nobody is physically strong at home, my oldest brother has just graduated from junior high school, the youngest is only 3 years old,” said Hillary.

He then said that he was obliged to take care of his younger siblings after the death of his late mother. This situation, he continued, made him determined to open himself to ask for security assistance, especially because he often had disagreements with many parties when defending the people of North Sulawesi.

Apart from that, according to him, his father is also constantly worried about him, who often carries out political duties and unknowingly clashes with extremist groups.

Hillary admitted that she is not someone who likes to be followed here and there. However, according to him, these various considerations made her realize that she does not have any martial arts abilities, and is only a woman who has big aspirations, but cannot cover her limited physical abilities.

“And while I believe women can be anything, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with acknowledging your own limitations by asking for help as long as you don’t break the rules.”

Hillary added that the request for security assistance from the TNI was not made to be arrogant. She insists she wants to feel safe when speaking or carrying out sensitive tasks.

“So I can practically ask for security assistance because I need and are urgent, not just to look cool. There are big and strategic things that I will speak about in the future and have the potential to disturb a group of people, so I believe there is no harm in anticipating actions,” he said.


[Gambas:Video CNN]

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