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Young woman attacked in Brussels for being a lesbian, “ma … (Brussels)

L. was beaten by two men who chased her with the car

Photo: Facebook

Brussels –

Friday night the young woman L. fell victim to homophobic violence in Brussels. Two men scolded the woman and then drove her off her bicycle. Only when a passer-by called out to the men did the violence stop. Her speech on Facebook received thousands of responses.

The incident happened on the night from Friday to Saturday, according to the young woman. Around half past one she said goodbye to her friend, the two then each cycle in different directions. “I suddenly felt the presence of a black car behind me. There were two men in it. At a certain point the car drives next to me. They call ‘dirty lesbian’. ” L. says he doesn’t just let that pass by and shouts back: ‘homophobes, leave me alone’. At that moment the driver L. would have driven off the track with his car. “Then the men got out and kicked me in the face, on my shoulder and hip.”

Only when another woman passes by on a bicycle do the men take the hurry. “I picked up my bike and cycled to a friend’s house as soon as possible.” Once calmed down, she realized what had just happened. “I have a bruised arm, an open lip, a minor concussion and bruises on my face. And now also a phobia for nocturnal Brussels. But I’m not afraid of who I am, I’m going to keep going out in a skirt, cycling at night and kissing girls too. ”

It is not clear whether the young woman has filed a complaint with the police. She does indicate that she has little confidence in finding the perpetrators. Her argument has now been shared more than 2,000 times on Facebook.

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