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Young thug in court | News.at

Fraud, burglary, robbery, the heaviest is the allegation of intentionally causing serious bodily harm, for which up to five years imprisonment could threaten: on Tuesday an 18-year-old had to answer in court in Wels. According to the indictment, the boy, who is in custody, is said to have attacked a passer-by in Schwanenstadt in January this year together with a boy under the age of 14.

The minor snatched the purse from the victim’s hand while the 18-year-old contributor stood by. The passer-by asked the perpetrators: “At least give me my driver’s license back.” When the attacked man wanted to counterattack, the 18-year-old is said to have struck him down with two punches. When the man was on the ground, both boys are said to have attacked him with punches and kicks in the head. The victim suffered fractures and bruises. The duo took the mobile phone away from the seriously injured man and went to buy cigarettes with the man’s ATM card.

The 18-year-old was also accused of fraud in the drug environment. He is said to have fooled a drug user into believing that he could sell the customer ecstasy, so the boy is said to have swindled 450 euros.

A verdict was not yet available in the afternoon.


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