Home » today » News » Young Salzburg man is said to have gone to Italy despite positive corona tests – public prosecutor’s office is investigating

Young Salzburg man is said to have gone to Italy despite positive corona tests – public prosecutor’s office is investigating

The health authority had filed a criminal complaint against 19-year-old Salzburgers. Cases with the public prosecutor’s office on suspicion of a criminally relevant breach of Covid measures are increasing.

The Salzburg public prosecutor’s office is investigating a 19-year-old man who lives in the city of Salzburg on suspicion of willful endangering people from communicable diseases (Section 178 of the Criminal Code). As Barbara Fischer, head of the prosecution, informed the SN, the young man is urgently suspected of having “left his apartment on December 29th or in the days after” despite a previously positive corona test. “We are investigating in the specific case because the health authorities have reported to us,” said the Chief Public Prosecutor Fischer.

According to the criminal complaint, the 19-year-old underwent a PCR test on December 28th at the airport. A positive result was then available on December 29th. “The accused was informed of the positive result by SMS after he could not be reached by phone. We assume that the notification was made promptly,” says Fischer. It is a fact that representatives of the health authorities went to look into the apartment of the almost 20-year-old on January 4th: “The accused was not there. The authorities were informed that he was going on vacation.”

The head of the public prosecutor’s office emphasizes that “the number of reports that we receive because of Section 178 StGB are increasing”.

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