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Young people organize a charity concert for families with people with disabilities – Entertainment

Friday, Sept. 25, at 19.00 Īslīce Culture House association “Laiks Jauniešiem” in cooperation with Codes, Dāviņš and Īslīce parish youth organizes a charity concert “Wings together”, the aim of which is to donate all the funds obtained in the concert to families with people with disabilities.

The entrance to the concert is about donations and all the donated funds in the concert will be donated by the association “Laiks Jauniešiem” to the Association “Ābulis”, which helps and defends families where people have various functional disorders.

Well-known and beloved musicians in Latvia – Varis Vētra, Normunds Rutulis, Miks Dukurs, Arturs Gruzdiņš, Rūta Dūduma – Ķirse, Deniss Stepanovs, group “Carnelian”, group “Bekars” and pop group “Sapnītis” will perform at the charity concert. The concert also considers the youngest visitors and will be welcomed by the fairy-tale characters of the creative association “Fairytale House” working in creative workshops.

“We can’t get into families where a person has a disability unless we’re in direct contact with those families, but we can help them. Usually Christmas is time, when such concerts are held, but these families do not live only at Christmas, “said the event ‘s producer, Codes Parish youth worker Kaspars Kalējs.

Associations “Time For young people“leader Gints Jankovskis is really pleased that we are organizing this charity concert together with the active members of Codes, Dāviņš and Īslīce parishes young people. This is a great opportunity for us young people to help take the first steps in organizing events and to promote better communication young people among others. We are honored that we have chosen to donate all the funds obtained in the concert directly to the association “Ābulis”, because support is very important for families with people with functional disorders.

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