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young people investigate Europe

In 2024, they will vote for the first time to elect their MEPs. However, as for the majority of French people, the cogs of the European machine are still unknown to them. With the help of school and association reports, Europorters, launched by the Alliance de la Presse, the trade union of written press newspapers; those who turn 18 in four years can find out how EU actions affect them directly.

“We want to give those who vote tomorrow the means to inform themselves, so that they can form an opinion by avoiding shortcuts and untruths” explains Pascal Ruffenach, Chairman of the Management Board of Bayard Presse, who piloted the creation of Europorters. “We offer them the opportunity to tell an example of the action of the European Union in their life, in the form of a written report, radio, photo or video, in the manner of apprentice journalists. By working on a subject that concerns them, they will acquire reflexes and techniques that are essential today, ”he adds.

In France, over the past six years, 26 billion European funds have been invested in projects affecting innovation, agriculture and infrastructure. If they directly or indirectly affect everyone’s life, they are often not well known. “This competition gives young people the means to get involved in European actions that concern them. In addition, it will highlight initiatives that are often poorly known ”believes Lucia Carfalo, from the European information network Europe Direct.

In order to best help the pupils to carry out their journalistic investigation, the site www.europorters.fr, offers practical sheets to support the participants, but also the teachers or facilitators who supervise them. These tips were prepared by the CLEMI, center for media and information education, structure of the National Education: “Europorters implements in a very concrete way the principles of media and education education. information ”analyzes its director Serge Barbet. This discipline aims to acquire skills to sharpen one’s critical mind, fully exercise one’s citizenship, by protecting oneself against manipulation via fake news, for example. “Writing an article, recording a video, choosing the angle of a report are essential learning which can be used well beyond being involved in this competition”, specifies Anais Adriaens-Allemand, from CLEMI, who wrote the educational sheets for the site Europorters.fr, in particular those devoted to the functioning of the EU and European citizenship.

To participate, teachers or facilitators must register online from November 1st. Reports must be prepared by March 8 and will be subject to academic selection. The best report from the region will be published in the columns of your newspaper on May 9 and will take part in the national selection, the winners of which will be invited to Brussels in June.

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