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Young people from The Hague avoid massive meningococcal vaccination

Young people who have been called up for a vaccine against meningococci are failing to do so in The Hague. Almost half of the invited teenagers did not show up last month. The corona measures may prevent young people from taking the shot.

In mid-April, the Youth and Family Center (CJG) in The Hague started another vaccination round. Due to the corona outbreak, this does not happen in large numbers at the same time, but during an individual appointment. Just over half of the approximately one thousand 14-year-olds registered for an injection.

Since 2018, young people have been invited to the vaccine the year they turn 14. The main reason is an increase in infections among teenagers with type W of the disease. Unlike other types of meningococci, it is dangerous for young people and can even die from it.

Meningococcal is an infectious disease caused by a bacterium, the meningococcus. The bacterium is transferable from person to person. Normally, the meningococcus is located in the nasal cavity of healthy people without causing any disease symptoms. If the bacteria gets into the bloodstream or nervous system, it can cause meningitis or blood poisoning, among other things.

Not massive, but individual and safe

According to a spokesperson for the Hague CJG, it is safe to come for the injection during this corona time. ‘The vaccinations had previously been given in groups. That is not the case now. All young people receive a personal call to come to a CJG location nearby. This individual approach allows all corona measures to be met, “said the spokesperson.

Normally, about 72 percent of 14-year-olds get the shot, now it’s 52 percent. It is a mystery why part of the invitation is not accepted. There is also less enthusiasm in the area of ​​youth health care organization JGZ Zuid-Holland West, but not as great as in The Hague. Where normally an average of 86 percent of the approached young people come for a shot, this now fluctuates between 65 and 80 percent per municipality.

Not now, but when then?

“We explicitly say in our invitation: if you or someone in your family has corona-like complaints, then don’t come,” a JGZ spokesperson searches for an explanation for the lower turnout. “It could have something to do with that.”

Anyone who declines the invitation for the meningococcal vaccine can only make a new appointment at the earliest in the autumn. But because of the corona crisis, that could also be later.

83 percent youth Haaglanden vaccinated against meningococci; 2 deaths
New campaign against meningococcal bacteria started

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