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Young people between the ages of 16 and 29 can now make an appointment

Catalonia open the vaccination to young people from 16 to 29 years old from today, eliminating the age ranges established so far and with the intention of immunizing the largest number of people in this group, where a strong rebound in infections is being observed in recent days. Those born between 1992 and 2005 can now request appointment.

This has been announced by the Minister of Health, Josep Maria Argimon, although he has warned that these citizens will not be able to be immunized until a few days from now, since appointments are full seven days away.

In a telematic press conference, Argimon announced this extension of vaccination in a “worrying” moment due to the “very high incidence of the younger age groups”, although it is not yet affecting the ICUs.

Incidence in health centers

“We are in the form of a wave different from the previous ones, which is the fact that it affects people under 50 years of age and is not having an effect on hospitals,” explained the minister. But it is affected by c
health centers, where the staff is being “very stressed”, because it is the same that is in charge of immunizing the population.

The minister has asked for an effort from all of Catalan society, especially the youngest, who are not yet immunized, although Argimon has asked not to “criminalize” this group, which has also suffered from the COVID crisis.

Contagions soar in Catalonia

The contagions are still fired in Catalonia, where this Wednesday more than 3,500 new infections in the last 24 hours. The mean age it drops for the first time from 29 years to 28.7. Instead, Covid patients are reduced in the ward and in the ICU.

The number of covid patients hospitalized amounts to 458, 9 less than the day before. Employment in ICUs is also decreasing. Right now, there are 129 serious people, 7 less than yesterday.

Epidemiological indicators continue to worsen. The speed of propagation (Rt) accumulates more than ten days on the rise and stands at 1.42, seven hundredths more than the day before. The risk of regrowth, the index that measures the potential growth of the pandemic, reaches 164 points, 18 points more than yesterday.

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