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Young people are the most considering buying an electric car in the next three years; looks forward to state support

Every tenth inhabitant of Latvia plans to buy an electric car in the next three years, moreover, the interest in the electric car is equally great among both women and men, according to a survey of Latvian residents conducted by Skandi Motors in cooperation with Norstat. At the same time, almost half of the respondents point to the need for state support in the purchase of electric cars.

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In general, 28% of the population in Latvia have got acquainted with the offer of electric cars, although the majority have not yet made a choice in favor of a particular model. In comparison, most drivers who have already chosen a particular model of electric car are among the population aged 18-29. This age group also has the largest share of Latvians who plan to buy an electric car in the next three years, and 56% of respondents admit that state support would promote their choice.

“The result of the survey is not surprising: sustainability and eco-reduction are important for young people. Although electric car production requires certain energy resources, throughout the car’s life cycle, the electric car is more environmentally friendly than an internal combustion engine car. It is also natural that this age group is most interested in the available state support for the purchase of new electric cars, as they are most often young professionals and young families who have not yet been able to save enough money to buy a new car. “comments Skandi Motors electric car expert Vilnis Debesnieks.

44% of the respondents have admitted that the expected state support in the amount of 4,500 euros for the purchase of a new electric car would significantly motivate them to choose an electric car as the next car. It has already been reported that Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development Under the Emissions Auctioning Instrument, it is planned to provide support for the purchase of new electric cars in the amount of EUR 4,500 from 31 December 2022 to 31 December 2023 in order to promote the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

“It’s no secret that many people choose an electric car precisely because of the ecological aspect, but it is also significantly more expensive than a car with an internal combustion engine, which discourages many from doing so. The support program is expected to close this gap. Today, electric cars are increasingly being chosen by companies to carry out specific functions: delivery, public transport for their customers or their business as a marketing tool, so it is important that future support is available not only to individuals and the public. or municipal institutions, but also companies, “sums up Heavenly.

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