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Young man dies in attack as train approached Penn Station | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

power. I bring them to the detailsabout the weather.>> thanks jeús. is going to startrain from 8:00 onthe night. a young passenger wasstabbed to death in aattack that occurred withoutany motivation. it happenedwhen the train arrived attragedy joins in the long runlist of crimes that we see inel subway.for those íassaló ainvestigate and give us adviceto avoid running with thissame luck.damaris: violence in thenew city subwayyork doesn’t stop. the lasthours the police registered twoviolent incidents and one ofthe victims lost their lives.we communicate with the nta thatHe tells us that is working with himpolice department ofnew york to findimages we got from thesevered. the victim was going toaboard train number twowhen the subject approached him andHe pointed it at the neck. he knowhit the puja and the cop saysthere was no provocation.the 32-year-old man wastransported to a hospital andthere he was declared dead.so far this year they haveregistered at least 1448incidents compared tothe 2020 where they were reported1574 criminal acts amid-November. isfigure is added another attackbloody that happened in theline train a.According to the cops, there was alawsuit between two and one of themHe was stabbed in the face.The assailant fled the scene.>> we are all terrified inthis train. I come at 1:00in the morning and this is fullcrazy.the trains are dirty. I am notwhat happened in the city ofnew York.>> you have to put your guard up.that’s the only waycan be fixed.>> since it is expected that thenumber of travelers increasesduring the next ones you went withreason for the day of action ofthank you, we communicate withrodíguez, president of theI ate transport whooffers these tips.>> users shouldalways enter the placeswhere there are cameras. second,be in the areas where thereanother person and third party,preferably if there is 1 towhere do you see any of thecops or some workers.>> it is also important to beattentive at all times and neverfalling asleepdid you know they stabbedpeople in the last hourson the train ?>> no.>> the police ask for your helpattackers. if I listen obvious,

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