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Young man arrested for strangling wife who refused to have sex after giving birth

The young man who strangled his wife who refused to have sex was arrested. The incident happened just a month after giving birth to her second child. The police arrested the accused after 10 days of the incident that took place on May 20.

The incident happened in Hyderabad. On the night of May 20, the young man tried to have sex with his wife, but she refused. The young man got angry and strangled his wife. After killing him, he got scared and informed his relatives. Relatives rushed the woman to the hospital, but the doctors declared her dead. Then the girl’s father complained to the police. The husband was arrested during the subsequent investigation. Police informed that the accused has confessed to the crime.

Jatawat Tarun (24) killed his wife Jhansi (20). They are natives of Nagarkunul, Telangana and got married in 2021. Tarun, an autorickshaw driver, has a 2-year-old child with his wife. The woman gave birth to a baby girl on April 16.

When he asked for sex, his wife refused saying that she was tired. However, Tarun forced his wife again. Jhansi became angry with this. Then Tarun killed his wife.

Story Highlights: Man held throttling wife death refusing sex

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2023-06-02 08:47:47
#strangled #wife #refused #sex #young #man #arrest

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