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Young Man Arrested for Editing Students’ Photos with AI: Crime Against Privacy

Diego “N” edited the students’ photos with AI. Photo: FGJ CDMX

This Thursday was Diego “N” arrested, young man accused of editing photos of students from the National Polytechnic Institute (IPN) with Artificial Intelligence (AI)by elements of the Attorney General’s Office (FGJ) of Mexico City (CDMX).

Following an investigation for his possible participation in a crime against privacy having taken social media photos of the students to make them look like they were naked.

Elements of the FGJ Investigative Police (PDI) carried out a search warrant in the Álvaro Obregón mayor’s office. They arrested Diego “N” for the crime cited against IPN students, when she was a student at the Higher School of Commerce and Administration (ESCA).

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The complaint of the IPN students for their edited photos

In this case, the IA se there would be uused to commit crimes against the Olympia Law. Students of the IPN They requested help from the capital authorities so that Diego “N””, who apparently took the photos from their networks, the He modified them so that they appeared naked and then sold themwill pay in accordance with the law in force in CDMX.

Different groups reported, through social networks, that on Friday, October 6 More than 20 thousand photos of IPN students were found on the iPad of the then student, Diego “N”. They were edited, without consent, possibly through AI, to appear naked so they could be sold.

At least eight students, who found photographs of themselves edited without their consent in Diego “N’s” iPad collection, where they appeared naked, filed a formal complaint. Although there were more than 20 thousand images, only they decided to assert the Olympia Law. This law protects people from intimate images created with AI without consent.

IPN expelled Diego “N” for digital violence against female students

After the events, the IPN determined the definitive dismissal of the student Diego “N” for digital violence exercised when editing photos. Subsequently, under pressure from the students, the capital authorities intervened, arresting him for his probable participation in the crime committed against privacy.

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2023-10-27 05:03:12
#arrest #Diego #IPN #student #edited #photos #classmates #sold

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