Plattner: “We have to take measures so that at least part of the lessons can take place in the school”
Vienna (OTS) – The JUNOS students have always focused on equal opportunities. “For us, a good education is the key to a happy and successful life for everyone.”, So it is in her basic program.
“With every chaotic school closure, equality of opportunity dies a slow death,” warns Felix Schnabl, board member for programmatic.
“During the distance learning last school year, a fifth of the pupils could not be reached – that’s many thousands of pupils who simply got under the wheels. Who may never find their way back to school, who isolate themselves more and more, who will suffer from today’s decisions in fifty years. “
For Leopold Plattner, chairman of the JUNOS students, it is also clear: “The summer was clearly overslept on the part of the ministry and the authorities. One should have prepared for this time. ”
“In any case, a number of less drastic measures should be considered: Halving classes and staggering the start of school, for example, would be effective, but without having the dramatic side effects of school closings.”
There are also references to other European countries: in France, as well as in Germany and the United Kingdom, schools remain open despite a new lockdown. “The priorities in Austria are simply completely different,” says Felix Schnabl angrily.
Dominik Attila Nyilas, responsible for vocational schools on the board of directors, also warns a broader view: “Especially in parts of the school system that have been forgotten by politics, a general closure of schools has catastrophic consequences. But as always, politicians only seem to be thinking of the Döblinger grammar school. ”
Leopold Plattner also sees a need for action at the federal school student council: “Especially the legally elected national school student council should finally express its opinion on this topic. That is exactly their job! They shouldn’t just say what the ministry tells them to do. “(FS)
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