Happy about the successful project: Mayor Otto Jäger, Marlene Graf, Laura Schachenhofer, Lena Tanzer, school principal Maria Zeller-Zellhofer.
Neumarkt elementary school
DThree students from Neumarkt elementary school took the initiative and published a school magazine.
At the Neumarkt elementary school, Marlene Graf, Laura Schachenhofer and Lena Tanzer took the initiative to publish a school magazine for the first time.
“The girls came to me before the summer holidays and said ‘Mrs. Director, what do you think, we would like to design a newspaper!’ I was immediately enthusiastic and immediately offered them my support,” explains school principal Maria Zeller-Zellhofer.
The girls also received support from their parents. In the newspaper, the students reported on school life and, based on interviews, wrote a report about “school in the old days”. A puzzle and a joke page were also included. The community covered the printing costs for the magazine.